埃米尔·杜尔克姆(Emile Durkheim,1858—1917),旧译涂尔干,亦有译迪尔凯姆。法国早期社会学家。他先后在法国和德国学习法律、经济学、文化人类学和哲学等社会科学。1887年受任波尔多大学专门为他设立的社会学教授职位。五年后,被召聘到巴黎大学任社会学和教育学教授。1897年,他创办《社会学年刊》,吸引并培养了许多热心的合作者与爱好者。
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), old translator Durkheim, but also translated Durkheim. Early French sociologist. He studied social sciences such as law, economics, cultural anthropology and philosophy successively in France and Germany. In 1887, he was appointed professor of sociology at Bordeaux University. Five years later, he was hired as a professor of sociology and education at the University of Paris. In 1897, he founded the annual “Sociology”, attracting and cultivating many enthusiastic collaborators and enthusiasts.