On the reference value of the living environment of Beijing courtyard house to the modern architectu

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  【Summary】:The core of the living environment is the "people", the living environment of the construction of the contemporary architectural design has a strong practical significance.This determines the construction of human settlements is to realize the harmony of people and people, people and things, things and things, in order to improve and improve the way of life of people and improve the quality of life of people. In this paper, the study and analysis of the living environment and the current housing situation of Beijing courtyard house, hoping to sort out the intrinsic relationship between the building and the people, the mutual influence and mutual restraint of the common financial state.
  【Key Words】:Beijing courtyard、modern architecture、human living environment
  As the Chinese culture is profound and numerous nationalities, each nation has their own unique folk flavor of the architectural form, culture. Among the many forms of dwellings, the architectural form of the traditional courtyard is not only from the building, but also from the cultural, philosophical and spiritual level has an unparalleled position. People from nomadic to settle, the yuan most of the "Li Fang - courtyard" system marks the end of the transition to the settlement process.And the Yuan Dynasty courtyard and the Ming and Qing courtyard in the courtyard layout has been a significant change. First, because of the surge in population, the area becomes smaller, a large area of the front yard into a flat shape. Second, the Ming and Qing Dynasties Beijing courtyard to cancel the front hall, porch, after sleep, replaced by the East Wing, West Wing, Chancellor Chaosheng porch as well as the composition of the temple of the real courtyard pattern.
  It is the basic principle of the construction of the traditional living environment. The building is a natural medium for the natural environment, which makes the internal space and the external space gas field can be used to be seamless, and the trees, water bodies, flowers and so on in the environment Are regarded as the factors that can be borrowed into the living environment, which can make the subjective space environment appear as perceptible form, but also make the objective space environment get angry.
  In addition, due to the Confucian "benevolence" influence, people in the real social life to promote the "ritual use and for your", "Germany is not alone, there must be neighbors" and so on, stressed that all people Between the harmony. In the layout of the architectural space, the inter-house relations are the materialization of interpersonal relationships. All the construction activities are all based on people as the core, people as a standard measure of space, in the division and limit the living environment, as far as possible to make the space environment To "kind and pleasant".   Studies of social relations scholars believe that the values of modern people have changed, we all see their privacy is very heavy, their private life do not want to be disturbed by others. Especially now, the family living in a wide range of people is the private life of all, and neighbors is the closest to their own private life. Modern people do not like "all transparent" type of life, in order to protect privacy, they chose to get along with neighbors. Can not be said that the sorrow of modern people.
  In the excavation of traditional culture inheritance, in addition to the appearance of the building and material things, I think the most important thing is the Chinese cultural traditions, cultural life of the continuation and inheritance. Some of our traditional things are now desalination, we reform and opening up to do some of the homes, you never know who their neighbors, what is the reason we have caused the continuation of thousands of years of social civilization The most important thing is that when we create our home environment, we ignore the precious places of our traditional culture. Because our previous residence and space can maintain a certain amount of human and human relations.
  Can be used to learn from the typical elements of the traditional courtyard, such as the entrance of the space can be designed to set the door or moon door modeling, the courtyard can be designed veranda, stone table stone stool, etc., to the communication between the neighborhood to provide hardware conditions, color design You can choose simple gray, white two colors as the main colors, the courtyard with green plants, relax people's feelings. This kind of "class courtyard" building to a certain extent, both to ensure that the modern life of the privacy requirements of the neighborhood and provides a good communication platform.
  Now, Beijing's ancient courtyard is less and less. In today's increasingly cool neighborhoods, many people miss the days of the past in the courtyard. In Beijing's municipal planning, but also specifically to retain some small alley and courtyard, which not only can reflect the characteristics of the old Beijing, Beijing can also reflect the life of fun. In the large-scale reconstruction of the expansion of these courtyard, many are nailed to engraved with "Beijing cultural relics protection unit" words brand. It is undeniable that this protection has played a positive role. However, if it is only as a cultural relics, become the object of viewing, tourism resources and businesses become a tool to make money, then it will lose the real value of the courtyard.
  [1] Li Anqi, the consequences of modernity, Beijing: Commercial Press, 2000,3, p32
  [2] Martin Alborg, the global era - beyond the modernity of the country and society outside the Beijing Commercial Press, 2001 P12
  [3] Anthony Giddens modernity and self-identity Lei Xiaohong translation Beijing Sanlian bookstore, 1998 P22
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