文献中对传染性单核细胞增多症(IM)的耳鼻咽喉并发症曾有报道,但对其发生频数及严重程度未作过评定。因如并发上呼吸道阻塞可能致命,故本文通过复习病例来说明 IM 患者耳鼻喉并发症的频数及治疗情况。作者们于1969~1981年间收治的 IM 患者467例中有耳鼻喉并发症者24例(5%),女4(年龄14~20岁,平均15(1/2)岁),男20(7~32岁,平均18(1/2)岁);其中上呼吸道阻塞的5例(1.1%),扁桃体周围脓肿、鼻衄和上颌窦炎各4例,口腔瘀斑3例,中耳炎和口腔自发性粘膜出血各2例。5例上呼吸道阻塞者中,1例扁桃体脓肿患者作切开治疗,1例因咽淋巴环梗阻性水肿者需立即行扁桃体切除术,另3例
Literature on infectious mononucleosis (IM) otolaryngology complications have been reported, but its frequency and severity have not been assessed. Because concurrent upper airway obstruction may be fatal, so this article review cases to illustrate the frequency and treatment of otolaryngological complications in patients with IM. Of the 467 patients with IM who were admitted to the hospital between 1969 and 1981, 24 (5%) had ENT complications and 4 (14 to 20 years of age, mean 15 (1/2) years) ~ 32 years old, with an average of 18 (1/2) years old). Among them, 5 cases (1.1%) of upper airway obstruction, 4 cases of periaqueductal abscess, epistaxis and maxillary sinusitis, 3 cases of oral ecchymosis, otitis media and oral spontaneous 2 cases of mucosal hemorrhage. Of the 5 patients with upper airway obstruction, 1 patient with tonsil abscess was treated by incision and 1 patient had tonsillectomy due to obstructive edema of the pharynx and lymph nodes. Another 3 patients