Abstract:Language is characterized by its fuzziness which causes difficulty to translate. This paper enumerates the phenomena of fuzziness in English and Chinese language and states opinion on dealing with the fuzziness of language in translation.
Key words:fuzziness; translation; source language; target language
Language is characterized by its fuzziness. Language was essentially vague . As a subject of linguistics,vague langu-
age has aroused to some concern,yet few people are paying attention to how to effectively deal with the vagueness of the language. The reason for this may be a faithful translation rule in translation. A translation must give the words of the original.A translation must give the idea of the original. If the original accurate language has translated into vague target language, or the original vague words have translated into accurate language, the results will inevitably be unfaithful to translation.In fact,vague language and ac-
curate language replace each other frequently in translation, even indispens-
able.This paper enumerates the phenom-
ena of fuzziness in English and Chinese language and states opinions on dealing with the fuzziness of language in transla-
二、Fuzziness of Language
Fuzziness as well as accuracy are the objective attributes of human natural language and natural phenomena. The British philosopher Russell said that every word more or less had a vague semantics. And American philosopher Black has a similar assertion: "fuzziness clearly refers to the fuzzy symbol repres-
ented by this series of objective nature."And vagueness of the language is borr-
owed from mathematics, which refers to language unit does not have a well defi-
ned border. For example, it is difficult to define boundary between"stone"and"r-
ock"in English. The situation of gradual changefrom Ato Bhas been refer-
red to as "gradient slope" or "gradienc-
e".The so-called fuzzy language does not mean the language is vague and ambig-
uous, which causes misleading langua-
ge. On the contrary, it takes advantage of the vagueness of semantics to accura-
tely reflect the vague concept of life.
三、Strategies in Translation of Vague Language
Vagueness is an inherent attribute of natural languages.It commonly exists in a variety of natural languages, which play an irreplaceable role in the com- munication process. The strategies in translation of vague language can bedivided into three categories:semantic tr-
anslation, communicative translation, andeffective combination of semantic transla-
tion and communicative translation.
1.Semantic Translation
Semantic translation attempts to re-
nder, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second langu-
age allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original.Semantic translation focu-
ses primarily upon the semantic content of the source language. As a result of English and Chinese cultural differences, we can not translate the source language literally, yet we can understand the ori-
ginal spiritual essence on the basis of a recreativity of language to translate,even there will be some changes of the sen-
tence structure.For example,He’ll be b-
lind by the time he gets home from Tom’s wedding.“他参加汤姆的婚礼回来时将会烂醉如泥。”In this sentence,“will be blind”is vogue,we also use vogue language“烂醉如泥”to express the same idea.
2.Communicative Translation
Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.Communicative tr-
anslation focuses essentially upon the comprehension and response of receptors. A translation may add or omit from the original. For example, I gnorance of the law excuses no man.谁也不能以不懂法律来替自己辩解。Chinese people and the people of other countries all over the world are always together in the struggle against terrorism.在反对恐怖主义的斗争中,中国人民永远和世界人民站在一起。
3.Effective Combination of Semantic Translation and communicative translation
Semantic translation is accurate, but may not communicate well;whereas com-
municative translation communicates well,but may not be very precise .Therefor,the combination of semantic translation and communicative translation is one of the artful skills in translation.For example ,IS MATHEMATICS AN ART?——Those who know would say"yes".In this sente-
nce, "those who know"refers to“他们那些人”,which uses vogue language ,"yes" indicates "accurate",which makes people hard to understand,and it does not equal to the chineses word“是的”.so we can use accurate words to express the vogue meaning of the source language .And we can translate the vogue language"those who know"into accurate chinese language “行家们”."yes"can be translated into “肯定的”。We can translate the senten-
ce as following:数学是否堪称一门艺术?——行家们的回答是“肯定的”。
Conclusion:As we can see from the above examples, vague language in translation is very common, and its pre-
sence is necessary.Although there are a variety of linguistic ambiguity,the trans- lation is not only a science, but also an art and it is also an important way in cross-cultural communication.as long as we take full advantage of the ambiguity of language, we can achieve a dynamic,ambiguous, organic rightrather than sta- tic, precise, mechanical right translation between source language and target language.We can try to make our tra- nslation easy to understand and preserve the original’s grace.
[1] 范仲英.实用翻译教程[M].广州:外语教学与研究出版社,1994.
[2] 费·德·索绪尔.普通语言学教程[M].高名凯译.北京:商务印书馆,1980.
[3] 马红军.翻译批评散论[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2000.
[4] 伍铁平.模糊语言[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999.
Key words:fuzziness; translation; source language; target language
Language is characterized by its fuzziness. Language was essentially vague . As a subject of linguistics,vague langu-
age has aroused to some concern,yet few people are paying attention to how to effectively deal with the vagueness of the language. The reason for this may be a faithful translation rule in translation. A translation must give the words of the original.A translation must give the idea of the original. If the original accurate language has translated into vague target language, or the original vague words have translated into accurate language, the results will inevitably be unfaithful to translation.In fact,vague language and ac-
curate language replace each other frequently in translation, even indispens-
able.This paper enumerates the phenom-
ena of fuzziness in English and Chinese language and states opinions on dealing with the fuzziness of language in transla-
二、Fuzziness of Language
Fuzziness as well as accuracy are the objective attributes of human natural language and natural phenomena. The British philosopher Russell said that every word more or less had a vague semantics. And American philosopher Black has a similar assertion: "fuzziness clearly refers to the fuzzy symbol repres-
ented by this series of objective nature."And vagueness of the language is borr-
owed from mathematics, which refers to language unit does not have a well defi-
ned border. For example, it is difficult to define boundary between"stone"and"r-
ock"in English. The situation of gradual changefrom Ato Bhas been refer-
red to as "gradient slope" or "gradienc-
e".The so-called fuzzy language does not mean the language is vague and ambig-
uous, which causes misleading langua-
ge. On the contrary, it takes advantage of the vagueness of semantics to accura-
tely reflect the vague concept of life.
三、Strategies in Translation of Vague Language
Vagueness is an inherent attribute of natural languages.It commonly exists in a variety of natural languages, which play an irreplaceable role in the com- munication process. The strategies in translation of vague language can bedivided into three categories:semantic tr-
anslation, communicative translation, andeffective combination of semantic transla-
tion and communicative translation.
1.Semantic Translation
Semantic translation attempts to re-
nder, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second langu-
age allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original.Semantic translation focu-
ses primarily upon the semantic content of the source language. As a result of English and Chinese cultural differences, we can not translate the source language literally, yet we can understand the ori-
ginal spiritual essence on the basis of a recreativity of language to translate,even there will be some changes of the sen-
tence structure.For example,He’ll be b-
lind by the time he gets home from Tom’s wedding.“他参加汤姆的婚礼回来时将会烂醉如泥。”In this sentence,“will be blind”is vogue,we also use vogue language“烂醉如泥”to express the same idea.
2.Communicative Translation
Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.Communicative tr-
anslation focuses essentially upon the comprehension and response of receptors. A translation may add or omit from the original. For example, I gnorance of the law excuses no man.谁也不能以不懂法律来替自己辩解。Chinese people and the people of other countries all over the world are always together in the struggle against terrorism.在反对恐怖主义的斗争中,中国人民永远和世界人民站在一起。
3.Effective Combination of Semantic Translation and communicative translation
Semantic translation is accurate, but may not communicate well;whereas com-
municative translation communicates well,but may not be very precise .Therefor,the combination of semantic translation and communicative translation is one of the artful skills in translation.For example ,IS MATHEMATICS AN ART?——Those who know would say"yes".In this sente-
nce, "those who know"refers to“他们那些人”,which uses vogue language ,"yes" indicates "accurate",which makes people hard to understand,and it does not equal to the chineses word“是的”.so we can use accurate words to express the vogue meaning of the source language .And we can translate the vogue language"those who know"into accurate chinese language “行家们”."yes"can be translated into “肯定的”。We can translate the senten-
ce as following:数学是否堪称一门艺术?——行家们的回答是“肯定的”。
Conclusion:As we can see from the above examples, vague language in translation is very common, and its pre-
sence is necessary.Although there are a variety of linguistic ambiguity,the trans- lation is not only a science, but also an art and it is also an important way in cross-cultural communication.as long as we take full advantage of the ambiguity of language, we can achieve a dynamic,ambiguous, organic rightrather than sta- tic, precise, mechanical right translation between source language and target language.We can try to make our tra- nslation easy to understand and preserve the original’s grace.
[1] 范仲英.实用翻译教程[M].广州:外语教学与研究出版社,1994.
[2] 费·德·索绪尔.普通语言学教程[M].高名凯译.北京:商务印书馆,1980.
[3] 马红军.翻译批评散论[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2000.
[4] 伍铁平.模糊语言[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999.