【摘 要】
对于史蒂夫和他的女儿萨莎而言,爵士乐就像一条纽带,将这对音乐家父女紧紧联系在一起。 For Steve Masakowski and his daughter Sasha Masakowski, jazz deepens the bond between the father and daughter musicians. Steve Masakowski is a jazz guitar p
For Steve Masakowski and his daughter Sasha Masakowski, jazz deepens the bond between the father and daughter musicians.
Steve Masakowski is a jazz guitar player, composer and educator from New Orleans, Louisiana. Sasha Masakowski, his daughter, is a singer and jazz musician in New Orleans in Louisiana.
Sasha Masakowskis earliest memories would be watching her father perform at the New Orleans Jazz
每年3月,在泰晤士河上,牛津與剑桥两所大学都会举办一年一度的赛艇比赛,从1829到今年的2019年,共举办了165场男子对抗赛和74场女子对抗赛。牛津剑桥赛艇对抗赛,是英国人复活节假期的重要念想。每年约25万~30万人挤挤挨挨到现场观战,其实也就看那么1分钟而已。因为将近6800米的赛道,两队都要在20分钟内完赛。 难词扫障 1.fixture n. 体育活动 2.reserve teams
难词探意 1. mourn /mn/ v. (因失去……而)哀悼;忧伤 2. empathy /empθi/ n. 同感;共鸣 3. wit /wt/ n. 风趣;才思 Meg Wolitzer is an American novelist whose new book, The Female Persuasion, is out now, published by Riverhead
薩曼莎在读大一期间参加了学校的一个创新及研究体验的项目,并通过这次经历体会到团队协作的重要性。 Coming into the freshman year at Paul College, Samantha was overwhelmed by the large number of students in the business school compared to her small hi
核心素养的重要目标就是培养学生在未来的复杂情境下解决实际问题的能力。培养高中生必备的生活技能是培养核心素养的重要途径之一。 1 Many of us and our parents are unaware of the importance of the new course life skills for us. As we will become adults in the near fut
【摘 要】 2013年因特网用户约占全球人口的39%,在这种背景下,在线和混合学习需求正在快速增长。为了满足这种需求,大学必须改变传统的课程设计和传送模式以满足21世纪学习者快速变化的需求和愿望。因此,大学正面临一个前所未有的变革时期。本文介绍了新西兰梅西大学(Massey University)的经验。目前,梅西大学正在努力探索一种以数字技术为媒介的在线、混合和远程学习模式,面向全国和国际扩大接
Research findings concerning student graduation and dropout in online higher education (OHE) can play an important role in maximizing the cost effectiveness of OHE, reducing student dropout rate and S
主题感知·素养解读 初中的懵懂与幼稚渐行渐远。步入崭新的高中生活,我们又将承载起新的责任和期待。学业压力的激增、新环境的冲击、新面孔的出现,让我们既兴奋不已又茫然失措。青春的梦想、师长的期待、父母的嘱托,都将化作成长路上的新坐标,指引着我们前行,去探索更加广阔的未知世界,去发现更加绮丽的精彩世界。 高中,是一个崭新的起点;高中,是一份沉甸甸的责任;高中,是一艘承载着激情、沉思、梦想和责任的巨轮
人类学家、人工智能专家和流行观点是影响我们做出决策的三种因素。人工智能专家是如何影响我们的决策的呢? In one study, researchers found that AI (人工智能) experts are just as influential as human experts when it comes to recommending which photos users sho
Peking Opera is a form of Chinese opera that combines music, vocal performance, dance and acrobatics. In 2010, it was inscribed(刻) on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. To help revive Pe
刘苏景(上海电视大学外语系):突出教-学-测评一体化设计,优化课程教学效果 理清课程教、学、测评的相互关系,合理设计贯穿课程教与学全过程的测评方案对课程教学效果的优化有重要意义。在对课程教、学、测评一体化设计时,首先应结合远程教育理念,正确理解教、学、测评的关系。其次应对教学对象有全面的了解与把握。成人学习者的特点使得其学习过程有很多特殊之处。所以课程测评要贯穿课程的教与学,成为课程教学的“天然