中学语文教师队伍数量不足,质量不高,后继乏人,是一个亟待解决的严重问题,需要拓宽思路。 50年代和60年代前期的师范院校或其他院校中文系的本、专科毕业生,多年来一直是中学语文教师队伍的骨干。这批人思想素质好,业务能力强,是高质量的语文教师。但这批人或提拔当了领导,或调到教研机关,或改行做其他工作,一直坚持在语文教学第一线的本来就已为数寥寥,且已大都退休或接近退休。 50年代末至“文革”前,尚有一批高中毕业生,品学兼优,因当时的政治背景等诸因素没能进入大学而就业于中学执教语文。这批人有理想,有朝气,笃志力学,刻苦钻研,自学成才,不少人成为语文教研组长、高级教师
The insufficient number of Chinese language teachers in secondary schools, the low quality and the lack of successors are a serious problem to be solved urgently and need to be broadened. The graduates from the Chinese department of teachers’ colleges or other institutions in the 1950s and early 1960s have been the backbone of the Chinese language teachers in secondary schools for many years. These people are good ideological quality, strong business ability, is a high-quality language teacher. However, these people or promoted as leaders, or transferred to teaching and research institutions, or diverted to do other work, has always insisted in the first line of Chinese teaching has been only a few, and have mostly retired or close to retirement. Before the end of the 1950s to the “Cultural Revolution”, there were still a number of high school graduates who achieved excellent academic results and were unable to enter colleges and enter secondary schools because of the political background and other factors at that time. These people have ideal, energetic, betrothal mechanics, study hard, self-taught, many people become the leader of Chinese teaching and research, senior teacher