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  【Abstract】As an advanced teaching method, cooperative learning can improve students’ interest in learning English and the quality of English teaching, therefore, effectively using cooperative learning in teaching activities gradually arouse wide concern of more and more teachers. This paper mainly analyzes the characteristics and the positive effect of cooperative learning, and points out its reasonable application in junior high school English teaching, hoping it will be helpful for effective English teaching.
  【Key words】Cooperative learning; junior high school English teaching
  1. Characteristics and Positive Role of Cooperative Learning
  1.1 characteristics of cooperative learning
  Through cooperative learning, students can communicate with each other, so as to enhance awareness of cooperation and to cultivate autonomous learning ability. In the process of cooperative learning, students can not only fully demonstrate themselves, but also can understand learning methods of other students’, and to cultivate good habit of studying by combing with their own actual situation and effectively absorbing others’ study experience. In addition, cooperative learning can enhance students’ sense of responsibility and improve their learning ability. During the cooperative learning, students’ personal achievements will greatly affect the overall performance of their group, in order to win honors for their group, they will consciously and actively complete the task of learning.
  1.2 positive role of cooperative learning
  In the traditional teaching mode, students passively learn and master the theoretical knowledge, lacking of opportunities for English communication, which leads to a low enthusiasm and a poor English application ability. While through cooperative learning, students must use English to communicate and interact with their group members, which can enhance their learning interest, cultivate their practical English ability, and improve the effectiveness of English teaching.
  2. Reasonable Application of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching
  2.1 introducing cooperative learning into the teaching of reading
  In the traditional reading teaching process, many teachers mainly use one-way teaching method to explain and analyze the word meaning and sentence patterns, do not give full play to students’ subjective initiative, which usually leads to a dull teaching atmosphere and a low learning efficiency. Therefore, we can carry out reading teaching activities by cooperative learning, let the students to understand and master the author’s thoughts and feelings, to cultivate their analysis ability and understanding ability, improve their English learning. For example, in reading teaching, we can ask them to discuss concerning the title of the article, to analyze its paragraphs, writing features and its central idea, and guide them to understand and master the difficult words and sentence patterns, so as to consolidate their English knowledge and improve their learning efficiency.   2.2 using cooperative learning in oral English Teaching
  Under the influence of the traditional education ideas and teaching mode, there has been existing a phenomenon of “mute English” in English teaching, while by adopting cooperative learning mode to provide opportunities for students to communicate and interact, which can not only avoid above mention phenomenon, but also cultivate students’ practical English skills. In the oral English teaching, we can ask students to make dialogues according to specific teaching content in groups, and then to perform their works in cooperation, thus to stimulate their learning enthusiasm, cultivate their oral English ability, so as to improve the oral English Teaching quality.
  2.3 using cooperative learning in the teaching of writing
  Writing can reflect the students’ basic English level and writing ability, therefore, in the process of teaching writing, we can effectively use cooperative learning to create a good learning atmosphere for students according to their learning needs, thus to enhance their writing enthusiasm and improve their writing level. Before writing teaching activities, we can ask them to discuss and write concerning a topic in groups, and then to evaluate each others’ essays within the group, help to stimulate students’ interest for writing and improve the teaching quality.
  3. Summary
  In a word, cooperative learning can stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm, improve the teaching quality and promote the development of all students. So in the actual teaching process, we should fully consider students’ level of knowledge, learning ability and their characters, reasonably construct cooperative learning groups according to the demand of teaching and strive to create a good English learning environment, to improve students’ enthusiasm for learning English and to promote the development of students’ English learning ability.
【摘要】情感既是英语教学的手段,也是英语教学的目的,起着激发、定向、推动、引导和调节学生学习活动的动力作用,直接影响学生的智力发展和認识过程。  【关键词】高中英语 教学 学生  英语教学作为语言教学的一个过程,同时也是一个情感交流的过程。教学中如果正确把握情感教育,既可以帮助塑造学生良好的品行,也能激发学的学习兴趣,从而提高教学质量。  一、以情育情,用平等的师生关系沟通情感教育  爱是教育的前
【摘要】搜商已经成为同智商、情商同等重要的人类智力因素。肩负科研和教学双重工作任务的高校英语教师职业需要具备较高的搜商。本文重点从四个方面介绍了高校英语教师提高搜商的方法,包括加强搜索引擎的运用,使用共享文库,利用百科知识和双语语料库和使用桌面搜索工具。  【关键词】搜商 高校英语教师 搜商培养  人类进入20世纪,由于计算机和国际互联网的发展,海量的信息和知识像决堤的洪水一样产生出来。根据美国权
【摘要】在小学英语教学改革中,对教学模式进行了相应的调整,针对分层教学模式在实际教学中得到极大的推广,因此,如何运用分层的模式进行教学,成为了小学英语教学改革的重要问题。本文从小学英语的分层教学实施的角度出发,对如何进行科学的分层教学进行阐述,希望能够帮助小学提高英语教学水平。  【关键词】小学教学 英语 分层法 运用  英语教学在素质改革中得到了很大的改进,运用分层教学的方式得到很多学生的认可,
【摘要】本文根据当前高职高专五年制涉外护理专业学生现状,以培养优秀英语护士专业人才为目标,在河北省内同类院校调查基础上,根据我校多年实践,继续进行以英语为核心的教学与管理一体化模式研究。本文阐述了我校从分层教育、公共英语教材选用、教学工作中加强英语教学设计,强化英语学习,加强课外督导,开展丰富多彩的英语活动等多方面进行英语为核心的教学与管理一体化模式研究。  【关键词】高职高专 五年制涉外护理专业
【摘要】为解决目前高校公共英语课堂教学人数众多、学生英语程度参差不齐,教学效果低下的问题,本文以《新视野大学英语读写教程》为蓝本,从创设课前学习环境、学习成果课堂展示、达标测评反馈等方面论述了大学英语翻转课堂的实现。  【关键词】翻转课堂 课前学习 课堂展示 达标测评反馈  翻转课堂(Flipped classroom),2007年起源于美国。它与传统课堂最大的不同是:课堂成为学生和老师一起完成作
【摘要】用爱激发学生的学习积极性,用平等民主和谐的师生关系带动同学们英语学习的兴趣,重视对学生实际语言应用能力的培养,激发学生对英语学习的主体意识  【关键词】情感 激活 学生英语学习 主体意识  情感态度和语言学习有着密切联系。正如布卢姆说:“一个带着积极情感学习课程的学生,应该比那些缺乏感情、乐趣或兴趣的学生,或者比那些对学习材料感到焦虑和恐惧的学生学习的更加轻松,更加迅速。”  英语自身的学
【摘要】英语教学是初中教学体系中的重要内容,在新课改的教学要求下,初中英语教学面临相应的改革,而如何在教学过程中有效调动学生学习的积极性是初中英语改革过程中的重点之一,而竞赛法的应用将有效提高初中英语教学的效率,并显著提升学生的听、说、读、写综合能力。本文主要对竞赛教学法在初中英语教学中的应用进行了分析和研究,希望能为初中英语教学的改革提供一定的参考。  【关键词】初中 英语 竞赛法 应用  在素
【摘要】由于初中英语阅读在英语教学中占据着较大的比重,因此做好英语阅读教学十分重要。本文从任务型教学法出发,深入探究了该种教学方法对初中英语教学产生的积极影响,并重点提出了四点该教学方法运用于初中英语阅读教学中的策略。  【关键词】英语阅读 任务型教学法 策略  前言  由于任务型教学法更重视学生在学习之中的主体地位,通过让学生进行自主研究、合作学习,促使学生能够在以任务为载体的课堂中学习到相关英
【摘要】高中英语是高考必考科目,其分值对学生能否进入理想大学有很重要的影响,本文结合自身教学经验和学生实际情况,在英语课堂教学中結合4种方法进行探究,取得了良好的成效,现在此简要论述供同行参考。  【关键词】高中 英语 课堂教学 方法  一、增强课堂教学和学生兴趣、信心  兴趣和信心是一个人做好一切事情的根本保证。没有兴趣的学习,只能是被动地接受,没有信心的学习,势必遇难就退。所以在课堂教学的过程