Cosmic speed is an important parameter of cosmic voyage. The current high school physics textbook only generalizes the first universe velocity when introducing the universe velocity, but does not derive the second universe velocity and the third universe velocity. This article introduces the derivation of the second universe velocity and the third universe velocity. I. The Second Universe Velocity Derivation The mass of the star-forming body set to m, the mass and radius of the Earth, is M_l and R_l, respectively, and the gravitational acceleration on the Earth’s surface is g. The distance from the surface of the earth to infinity is divided into numerous small sections, ab, bc, cd, ..., and the radii corresponding to the geocentric centers of the respective points are r_1, r_2, r_3, ... respectively, as shown in Figure 1. Since each ab, bc, cd ... is extremely small, the gravitational force on this small segment can be considered unchanged. Therefore, when the artificial star is sent from surface a to b, the work done to overcome the gravitational force is done