Candidate colorectal cancer predisposing gene variants in Chinese early-onset and familial cases

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a3799222999
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AIM: To investigate whether whole-exome sequencing may serve as an efficient method to identify known or novel colorectal cancer(CRC) predisposing genes in early-onset or familial CRC cases.METHODS: We performed whole-exome sequencing in 23 Chinese patients from 21 families with nonpolyposis CRC diagnosed at ≤ 40 years of age, or from multiple affected CRC families with at least 1 firstdegree relative diagnosed with CRC at ≤ 55 years of age.Genomic DNA from blood was enriched for exome sequences using the Sure Select Human All Exon Kit, version 2(Agilent Technologies) and sequencing was performed on an Illumina Hi Seq 2000 platform.Data were processed through an analytical pipeline to search for rare germline variants in known or novel CRC predisposing genes.RESULTS: In total, 32 germline variants in 23 genes were identified and confirmed by Sanger sequencing.In 6 of the 21 families(29%), we identified 7 mutations in 3 known CRC predisposing genes including MLH1(5 patients), MSH2(1 patient), and MUTYH(biallelic, 1 patient), five of which were reported as pathogenic.Inthe remaining 15 families, we identified 20 rare and novel potentially deleterious variants in 19 genes, six of which were truncating mutations.One previously unreported variant identified in a conserved region of EIF2AK4(p.Glu738_Asp739insA rgA rg) was found to represent a local Chinese variant, which was significantly enriched in our early-onset CRC patient cohort compared to a control cohort of 100 healthy Chinese individuals scored negative by colonoscopy(33.3% vs 7%, P < 0.001).CONCLUSION: Whole-exome sequencing of early-onset or familial CRC cases serves as an efficient method to identify known and potential pathogenic variants in established and novel candidate CRC predisposing genes. A investigate for whole-exome sequencing may serve as an efficient method to identify known or novel colorectal cancer (CRC) predisposing genes in early-onset or familial CRC cases. METHODS: We performed whole-exome sequencing in 23 Chinese patients from 21 families with nonpolyposis CRC diagnosed at ≤ 40 years of age, or from multiple affected CRC families with at least 1 first degree alone relative diagnosed with CRC at ≤ 55 years of age. Genomic DNA from blood was enriched for exome sequences using the Sure Select Human All Exon Kit, version 2 (Agilent Technologies) and sequencing was performed on an Illumina Hi Seq 2000 platform. Data were processed through an analytical pipeline to search for rare germline variants in known or novel CRC predisposing genes .RESULTS: In total, 32 germline variants in 23 genes were identified and confirmed by Sanger sequencing. 6 of the 21 families (29%), we identified 7 mutations in 3 known CRC predisposing genes including MLH1 (5 patients), MSH2 (1 five of which were reported as pathogenic. Inthe remaining 15 families, 20 identified as rare and novel potentially deleterious variants in 19 genes, six of which were truncating mutations. Unreported previously identified in a conserved region of EIF2AK4 (p.Glu738_Asp739insA rgA rg) was found to represent a local Chinese variant, which was significantly enriched in our early-onset CRC patient cohort compared to a control cohort of 100 healthy Chinese individuals scored negative by colonoscopy (33.3 % vs 7%, P <0.001) .CONCLUSION: Whole-exome sequencing of early-onset or familial CRC cases serves as an efficient method to identify known and potential pathogenic variants in established and novel candidate CRC predisposing genes.
【摘 要】时代在进步,中国城市化在加剧,伴随着城市建设和人們的日常生活而产生了不少的废弃物。这些产生的废弃物如何处理总是会成为城市建设的一大难题,如何将城市废弃物有效地利用起来成为了城市建设中的重点。本文站在可持续发展的角度出发,通过对城市废弃物概念的解析,讨论了城市废弃物在园林景观中的可利用性和在园林景观中城市废弃物在景观小品、公共设施以及地面铺装等方面的一些的应用,分析了城市废弃物在园林景观上
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