读本刊1998年第7期上登载的《测定金属丝杨氏弹性模量实验中易出现的问题及解决方法》一文,我们认为,采用原文提出的从望远镜中快速找到观测目标的方法,对于初次做实验的学生仍比较困难。这里介绍我们实验中采用的方法。 1 辅助装置的制作
Read the article “Problems arising from the experiment of measuring Young’s modulus of elasticity of metal wires and its solutions” published in the 7th issue of this magazine in 1998, we believe that the method of quickly finding the observation target from the telescope using the original text is It is still difficult for students who are experimenting for the first time. Here are the methods used in our experiments. 1 Production of auxiliary equipment