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一、题材广泛、意境深远宫崎骏是日本著名动画片导演,在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,美国迪斯尼将他尊称为动画界的黑泽明。受日本传统文化和现代文化的共同影响,使得他的动画题材来源极为丰富,内容涉猎也极其广泛。世界各地的传说、神话、史诗、小说、随笔散文、哲学著作、漫画等各种样式的素材都曾 First, the theme is broad, far-reaching artistic conception Hayao Miyazaki is a famous Japanese animated film director, in the global animation industry has an irreplaceable status, the United States Disney called him animated black Kurosawa. Influenced by the common influence of Japanese traditional culture and modern culture, his animated themes are extremely rich in source and content. Various styles of material such as legends, myths, epics, novels, essay prose, philosophical works and comics all over the world
郑少泉 ,福建莆田人 ,农村普通农家子弟。 18岁考入福建农学院园艺系果树专业学习 ,1986年 2 2岁以优异成绩毕业分配至福建省农科院果树所工作。现为省农科院果树所副所长 ,
Hyperthermia by heating in-stent is a potentially new method to treat esophageal cancer.This study assessed the safety of heating the rabbit esophagus with a ni
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The protected agricultural production has become one of the fast growing and wid espread cultivation technology in the north parts of China. Continuous cultivat
AIM: To investigate the expression and clinical significance of S100A2 mRNA and protein, p63 protein in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and their role