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我单位是生产预制钢筋混凝土构件的专业厂,自1984年使用拉模机生产预应力混凝土空心板以来发现,在抽动拉模机管芯时,空心板的前端头压缩量如过大,会使前端头超厚,既影响构件的外观,又浪费材料,并超过规范要求的偏差值。可见,避免预应力空心板前端头超厚的关键是减少其前端头的压缩量。因此,我们进行了大量的实验, Our company is a professional factory that produces prefabricated reinforced concrete components. Since 1984, we have used pull mold machines to produce prestressed concrete hollow slabs. It has been found that when the pull die core is pulled, the compression of the front end of the hollow slab is too large, which will make The front end head is extremely thick, which not only affects the appearance of the components, but also wastes the material and exceeds the deviation value required by the specification. It can be seen that the key to avoid super-thickness of the front end of the prestressed hollow plate is to reduce the amount of compression at the front end. So we did a lot of experiments,
一、经皮乙醇注射疗法1 .原理、适应证、操作手技经皮乙醇注射疗法 (percutaneous ethanolinjection therapy,PEIT)的原理是应用乙醇的脱水作用和蛋白变性作用导致肿瘤细胞发
一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分) 下列各小题均有四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,将正确答案的代号字母填入题后括号内. 1.家用电冰箱冷藏室的温度是4℃.冷冻室的温度比冷藏室的温
在物理新课程实施的几年时间里,笔者也在不断地改变教学观念,积极参与教学方式的转变,下面就本人在转变教学方式中的几点认识和做法提出来与大家一起商讨。 In the course o
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兴趣是学习美术的第一动力,它能培养学生的学习激情与积极性,在选择课程的过程中能否让学生对美术课感兴趣,是关系到教学效果及学生个性、人格发展的一 Interest is the fir