那段日子,我们接到新的任务。 县里要举行大课间操评比,二十五分钟的大课间操要有入场式、乒乓球操、武术操、广播体操,并自选韵律操,或拍手操、舞蹈等。评比时全县中小学一起评出二十个优秀单位,并给予录像。 那段日子,我的生活紧张而又忙碌。 我开始了我的工作:买磁带,选音乐。选音乐时,既要找曲子好听,又要节奏好的,这费了我很大的心思(因为我们以前从未让学生跟音乐做过操),找好音乐我开始编操,因为时间紧,我必须以最快的速度
During those days, we received new tasks. In the county, major inter-classroom assessments should be held. There must be admission, table tennis, martial arts, and broadcast gymnastics during the twenty-five minute semester, as well as self-selected aerobics or clapping or dancing. At the time of the appraisal, the county’s primary and secondary schools ranked 20 outstanding units together and gave video. During those days, my life was intense and busy. I started my job: buy tapes and choose music. When selecting music, I have to find a good tune and a good rhythm. It takes me a great deal of thought (because we have never let students engage in music before). I must be the fastest