1 临床资料患者 2 5岁 ,孕 1产 0 ,因妊娠 41周下腹阵发性坠胀感 2 h,于 1 999年 8月 2 3日入院。患者以往月经规律 ,身体健康 ,无传染病及血液病史。体格检查 神志清晰 ,营养好 ,T 36.7℃ ,P 80次 /min,R2 0次 /min,BP1 7/1 2 k Pa,心肺正常 ,肝脾未触及 ,腹部膨隆 ,有不规?
1 Clinical data of patients 25 years old, 1 pregnant and 0 pregnant, 41 weeks of gestation due to lower abdominal paroxysmal bulge feeling 2 h, on August 23, 1999 admission. In the past, patients had regular menstruation, good health, no infectious diseases and a history of blood diseases. Physical examination clear and good nutrition, T 36.7 ℃, P 80 beats / min, R2 0 beats / min, BP1 7/1 2k Pa, normal heart and lungs, liver and spleen not touched, bulging abdomen, irregular?