今年仲夏到北京出差时,去京渝宾馆品尝到了一种皮酥脆、内软糯、心馅细软香甜的油炸煎饼,非常可口。据该店厨师介绍,这是近两年才出现的小吃新品种──豆沙锅饼,它在北京城非常受欢迎,凡是北京有档次的川菜馆、火锅馆几乎都有这个品种供应,而创制豆沙锅饼的是一位名叫田贻仁的师傅。 从此,我心中便有了要采访田贻仁的打算。但真正见到四师傅,却是我从海南回到重庆的深秋季节。当我问他几时萌发创制豆沙锅饼的念头时,他向我讲述了十年前一桩事。
When I went to Beijing for business in Midsummer this year, I went to the Beijing-Chongqing Hotel and tasted a fried pancake with crispy soft skin and soft sweet heart filling. It was very delicious. According to the shop chef, this is the only snack that has emerged in recent two years - the bean curd pancake, which is very popular in Beijing. There is almost a variety of Sichuan cuisine restaurants in Beijing, Bean casserole pie is a master named Tian Yiren. Since then, I had the intention to interview Tian Yiren. But I really see the four master, but it is my return from Chongqing, Chongqing late autumn season. When I asked him about the idea of creating a patty pancake, he told me a story about ten years ago.