黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市东南26公里处,有一片总面积21万公顷的湿地生态系统,这里就是举国闻名的扎龙国家级自然保护区。保护区由乌裕尔河下游流域一大片永久性季节性淡水沼泽地和无数小型浅水湖泊组成,境内有大面积的沼泽、草甸和湖泊,苇丛茂密、鱼虾众多,是中国北方同纬度地区中保留最完整、最原始、物种最丰富的湿地生态系统。扎龙自然保护区以鹤而著名:在全世界所有1 5种鹤类中,中国有9种,这里就有6种,其中数量最多的,就是国家一级保护鸟类丹顶鹤。每年约有300余只丹顶鹤来扎龙栖息繁衍,
There is a wetland ecosystem with a total area of 210,000 hectares, 26 kilometers southeast of Qiqihar in Heilongjiang Province. Here is the national-level Zhalong National Nature Reserve that is well-known throughout the country. Protected by the Wuyuer River basin a large permanent freshwater seasonal wetlands and countless small shallow lakes, the territory of a large area of swamps, meadows and lakes, reeds dense, numerous fish and shrimp, is the same latitude in northern China The region retains the most complete, pristine and species-rich wetland ecosystems. Zhalong Nature Reserve is famous for Crane: Among all 15 species of cranes in the world, there are 9 species in China, and there are 6 species here. The largest number is the conservation of red-crowned cranes at the national level. Every year, about 300 red-crowned cranes come to inhabit Zaron habitat and reproduction,