
来源 :散装水泥信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uuupppppp
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第一条为了加强我省建设单位使用散装水泥保证金(以下简称保证金)征收及退还管理工作,根据省政府118号令《湖北省散装水泥管理规定》,特制定本细则。第二条保证金是指在本省行政区域内使用水泥的各建设单位,本着谁建设谁交款的原则,按其水泥使用量每吨4元的标准预交使用散装水泥达到一定比例以上的保证金。第三条保证金由各市、地散办委托当地建设主管部门代收。第四条各使用水泥单位必须按照下列散装比例使用散装水泥。达到下列散装比例的方可取得返还保证金资格。(一)高层建筑(指10层及其以上的住宅建筑或高度超过24米的公共建筑和综合性建筑)使用散装水泥要求80%(含80%)以上。(二)列入国家、省、地市计划的重点基础设施建设工程使用散装水泥要求60%(含60%)以上。 Article 1 In order to strengthen the construction and use of bulk cement in our province (hereinafter referred to as margin) collection and refund management, according to the provincial government Decree 118 “Hubei bulk cement management regulations”, formulated the rules. The second deposit refers to the use of cement in the province’s administrative units of construction units, in line with the principle of who the construction who pay, according to their cement use standard of 4 yuan per ton to use bulk cement to reach a certain percentage of the above margin . Article 3 The deposit shall be entrusted to the local competent department of construction by the municipalities and local governments for collection. Article IV of the use of cement units must be in accordance with the following bulk proportion of bulk cement. To achieve the following proportion of the bulk of the security can be returned to the deposit. (I) 80% (including 80%) or more of the use of bulk cement for high-rise buildings (residential buildings of 10 floors or above or public buildings and complexes of height exceeding 24 meters). (B) included in the national, provincial and municipal plans focus on infrastructure projects using bulk cement requirements of 60% (including 60%) above.
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“常识性介绍”内容对于促进学生素质教育发展很重要,然而,目前教学中却没有得到足够的重视。笔者在教学实践中对“常识性介绍”内容的教学策略作了一些思考与探索。 “Com