Traditional Use, Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Quality Control of Species in Genus Bupleurum L.

来源 :Chinese Herbal Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangke8611
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Many species of genus Bupleurum L.have been pharmaceutically used mainly in Asia and Europe for thousand years.Their roots are the most popular ingredients in Chinese materia medica prescriptions for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and auto-immune diseases.A plenty of chemical constituents have been isolated and identified from the species in Bupleurum L.,such as saikosaponins,polysaccharides,volatile oils,flavonoids,polyacetylenes,lignins,and coumarins,most of which possess a variety of biological activities,especially for the hepatoprotective effect,antitumor activity,immunoregulation,and febrifuge efficacy.Therefore,the species in genus Bupleurum L.could be potential herbs of immunomodulator,antineoplastic,anti-oxidant,etc.Meanwhile,as potential toxicities have been discovered in some constituents,it is urgent to establish a comprehensive quality evaluation system to ensure the safety and efficiency of herbs.This paper reviews on the phytochemical and pharmacological studies,especially for the toxicology and quality control of the species in Bupleurum L.,which is a reference for the species in this genus for safe usage and further development. Many species of genus Bupleurum L.have been pharmaceutically used mainly in Asia and Europe for thousand years. Their roots are the most popular ingredients in Chinese materia medica prescriptions for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and auto-immune diseases. A significant of chemical constituents have been isolated and identified from the species in Bupleurum L., such as saikosaponins, polysaccharides, volatile oils, flavonoids, polyacetylenes, lignins, and coumarins, most of which possess a variety of biological activities, especially for the hepatoprotective effect, antitumor activity, immunoregulation , and febrifuge efficacy. Beforefore, the species in genus Bupleurum L.could be potential herbs of immunomodulator, antineoplastic, anti-oxidant, etc., while as potential toxicities have been found in some constituents, it is urgent to establish a comprehensive quality evaluation system to ensure the safety and efficiency of herbs. This paper reviews on the phytochemical and pharmacological studies, especially for the toxicology and quality control of the species in Bupleurum L., which is a reference for the species in this genus for safe usage and further development.
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中学英语词汇教学普遍忽视了单词的实际应用,明显孤立了单词与语境的联系,致使学生孤立地、抽象地、机械地记忆单词。因此应将语境作用于词汇教学之中。 English vocabulary
[摘要]随着现代社会市场化、信息化、网络化的发展,图书馆服务对象和馆藏都发生了很大的变化。在变化的过程中,努力根据这些变化的特点和趋势进行深入剖析研究,是今后搞好图书馆现代化服务工作的前提。本文结合工作实际,阐述了新时期如何做好图书馆服务工作,以及做好图书馆服务工作对经济社会发展的重要意义。  [关键词]图书馆 信息 网络化 服务  [中图分类号]G251 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]100
摘要:情谊行为往往受道德和伦理规范的调整,但情谊行为中也会有侵权行为和损害的发生,在对施惠人归责时不免要考虑情谊行为的无偿性和其体现的人类友好互助的精神。这种情况下,一般会根据情况减轻或者免除侵权人的责任。虽然情谊行为是无偿的,但对施惠人仍应采用一般注意义务的标准。  关键词:注意义务;无偿合同;公平原则;过失相抵  作者简介:李志云,暨南大学法学知识产权学院,硕士研究生,研究方向:民商法。  中
摘要:我国保险法在2009年修订时增加了不可抗辩规则条款,使我国保险法与国际惯例接轨,这是一个巨大的进步。但是该条款的规定与保险业发达国家和地区相比,还有许多不尽完善的地方。本文试对不可抗辩规则做一个梳理和总结,并针对不足提出相应的立法建议,使不可抗辩规则的适用问题在理论上更完善、更系统。  关键词:不可抗辩规则;告知义务;解除权;适用例外  作者简介:叶海燕,梧州学院讲师,研究方向:民商法。  
摘 要:造林可以说是一项工程,具有一定的系统性,需要在一定工艺支撑的基础上完成。其中主要包括育苗、造林、经营以及利用,樟子松容器苗抗旱造林技术现阶段已经逐渐实现在樟子松造林中的广泛应用,这不仅可促使其成活率得到大幅度提升,同时对造林工作的顺利开展有极大的促进作用。  关键词:樟子松;容器抗旱造林;栽培技术  一、容器大苗培育  1.育苗地选择  通风良好,光照充足以及无积水是在实际对育苗地进行选择