连续2a使用医用青霉素,防治杉苗猝倒病和赤枯病试验所得资料表明:在发病期间,100m ̄2苗床,每次用80万单位注射用青霉素钠1瓶,加水10.0kg,喷洒杉苗,4月初揭去覆草后喷洒第1次,半月1次,连喷9次,防治效果比使用相同次数的600倍液50%敌克松粉剂或1000倍液70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂提高24%~43%,苗高增长14%~22%,苗木地径增粗13%~19%,而防治成本分别降低29.30%~45.57%和52.34%~56.50%。
Continuous use of medical penicillin 2a, control fir seedling damping-off disease and the test data obtained from the experiment showed that: during the disease, 100m ~ 2 seedbed, each with 800,000 units of penicillin sodium injection 1 bottle, add water 10.0kg, spraying fir Miao, early April peeled off the grass after spraying the first 1 and a half months, and even spray 9 times, the control effect than the same number of 600 times the use of 50% anti-kraft powder or 1000 times the 70% thiophanate-methyl Wet powder increased by 24% ~ 43%, seedling height increased by 14% ~ 22%, seedling diameter increased by 13% ~ 19%, while the prevention and treatment costs decreased by 29.30% ~ 45.57% and 52.34% ~ 56 .50%.