横滨位于东京南面三十公里,人口三百余万,是日本最大的海港城市之一。一百三十余年前,这里还只是一个数十户渔民的小村落——横滨村。1853年,美国东印度舰队司令贝利(Mathew Calbraith Pery )率领四艘军舰来到日本,迫使当时的江户幕府与美国签定商约,日本从此结束了锁国状态。1859年,横滨正式开港,成为对外的通商口岸并开始海港城市的建设。横滨的开港和兴建,标志着日本资本主义化和现代化的先声。开港之初,先后建成停泊外国商船的东码头、出口货物外运的西
Located 30 kilometers south of Tokyo, Yokohama has a population of more than 3 million and is one of the largest seaport cities in Japan. More than 130 years ago, it was only Yokohama Village, a small village of dozens of fishermen. In 1853, the US East India Fleet Commander Mathew Calbraith Pery led four warships to Japan, forcing the then Edo Shogunate to sign a treaty with the United States. Japan has thus ended its lock-in state. In 1859, Yokohama officially opened its port of commerce and became a foreign trade port and started the construction of a seaport city. The opening and construction of Yokohama marked the beginning of Japan’s capitalist and modernization. At the beginning of the opening of the port, the East Pier where foreign merchant vessels were berthed and the west of the exported cargo were built.