Comment on“Farewell to Cambridge”

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  【Abstract】The poem “Farewell to Cambridge” written by Xu Zhimo gains great popularity and attracts a great number of readers. He described a beautiful and graceful scene with extremely artistic techniques, expressing his feelings of attachment to Cambridge. However, it still exists plenty of disputes in terms of the theme of this poem, mainly including chant, love and politics. This paper interprets and analyzes the theme of the poem from the three aspects.
  【Key words】Xu Zhimo; Farewell to Cambridge; artistic conception
  I. Introduction
  Xu Zhimo’s poem “Farewell to Cambridge” has been loved by readers generation by generation since it was written. This poem associated traditional and classic culture with modern writing techniques, showing artistic and poetic beauty and covering abundant and complex emotions. In the poem, Xu Zhimo regarded Cambridge in University of Cambridge as the focus of feelings, fully expressing his attachment to Cambridge and the distressed emotions at parting. From 1920 to 1922, he studied at University of Cambridge and lived a happy and comfortable life. Later, his world and artistic view initially formed and Cambridge became his rare bosom friend (Si, 2013). The poem was written by the author in 1928 when he came England and visited Cambridge secondly. At the time, the scene of Cambridge was still unchangeable and beautiful, while his mood has changed from happiness to distress because of the relationship with Lin Huiyin and Lu Xiaoman. This thesis analyzes the theme of poem and attachment to Cambridge from three aspects, including chant, love and politics.
  II. Devotion to Cambridge
  According to relevant information, Xu Zhimo studied at University of Cambridge from 1920 to 1922. During this time, he had a relationship with Lin Huiyin and lived a joyful life. In 1923, he came back China and published a lyric poem “So Long Cambridge”. In 1926, he published a famous powder “ The Cambridge As I Know by Farewell Cambridge”. In 1928, he came to Britain for the second time and wrote “Farewell to Cambridge” (Yan
【摘要】教育改革后,小学已经成为了义务教育,在这个阶段开设英语课程,实际上是为学生日后的学习奠定基础,从而培养更多的具有创造力和交际能力的新型人才。但是,小学生本身具有的一些特性,以及小学英语课堂教学现状,使得无效教学行为存在,严重限制了人才的培养。本文从小学英语课堂无效教学行为的内涵着手,就其评定标准加以明确,从而提出具体的矫正策略。希望能够为我国小学英语课堂的有效教学提供参考。  【关键词】小
【Abstract】Translation has been given more and more attention and translator’s subjectivity has been recognized and accepted gradually in translation circle. Successful translation is the organic combi
【摘要】民航英语从属于科技英语范畴中,本文将以功能对等理论为基础,根据科技英语的特征对民航英语翻译中的数字、字母、词汇及句法进行分析,并浅谈民航英语翻译的技巧。望大家通过此篇论文可以对民航英语翻译有所了解。  【关键词】功能对等 科技英语 民航英语 特征  引言  民航英语作为科技英语的一个分支,在词汇上包括大量的专业术语和惯有句式。而民航又是一个专业性极强、风险极大的高危职业,所以飞行员之间,或
【摘要】在初中英语教学活动中,互动式教学模式是指教师在教学活动中与学生之间全部的交互影响与作用。在具体的教学活动中可以有效地提高英语教学课堂学生的参与度,调动学生学习英语的主动性,对培养学生学习英语的兴趣有积极的意义。本文主要分析了初中英语师生互动式教学模式。  【关键词】互动式教学模式 初中英语 探索和应用  随着新课程改革的不断深入,英语教育更加重视学生英语应用能力的培养。但是传统的初中英语教
【摘要】作为翻译学的重要组成部分,翻译批评研究仍然面临着种种问题。本文试图通过许钧教授翻译批评研究綜述进一步揭示翻译批评的重要性,唤起翻译界对翻译的更大关注。  【关键词】翻译 翻译批评 综述  一、引言  在我国文化“走出去”战略备受关注的今天,翻译受到越来越多的关注。但是,翻译质量总体趋势却越发不如人意,对此,翻译批评有着不可推卸的责任。许钧教授高屋建瓴,对翻译批评作出了深层次的考虑,为翻译实
她也正看着我,目光祥和许多,不是责备,更多的是期盼。    “老Z来了,老Z来了!”我们惊呼着,一窝蜂地冲回到了座位上。   教室里似乎尘嚣还在飞扬,老Z就出现在教室的门口了。她锐利的目光似乎往我们每个人的脸上都扫了一遍,整个教室都安静了下来。她的目光也许是她最出彩的地方吧,澄澈如一泓清泉,所到处风住水止。她的目光又似一块磁铁,牢牢地吸引着我们,成为一种方向,在课堂上,我们无法远离她的目光…… 
打造规范而独特的学校形象,是管理理念更新的外显,是学校跨越式发展的内驱,也是教育事业蓬勃发展的必由之路。“学校形象识别体系”(School Identity System,简称为SIS)是指一所学校为了获得社会的理解与信任,将其办学的宗旨和文化内涵传达给公众而建立的视觉、听觉相结合的立体式的形象系统。我校构建了一套文字、符号与行动文化相结合的标识文化体系,充分发挥SIS的引领、濡染、传播功能,有力
【Abstract】with the prosperous development of translation, the identity of translator has attracted more and more attention. The relationship of translator and identity is worth studying. This article
【摘要】情境创设应用于语法课堂已经不是新鲜的事情,尤其在最近几年提倡强化语用功能的前提下,情境已经是语法课堂中最有效地“催化剂”,让学生在真实而恰当的情境下能非常容易突显语法的功能性,尤其在真实交流的过程中学生能内化语法的应用功能而不仅仅的是规则。  【关键词】情境 语法 话题 语用功能  情境创设的过程比较顺意,可能有些老师在一节课中创设多个情境导入语法,就显得比较混乱,那么如何研究一套行之有效