
来源 :干旱区资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:babyleah
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牧草地是畜牧业发展的根本,牧草地流转对于提高牧户生产经济效益,加快牧民增收和牧区经济发展有重要的意义。选择新疆三大牧业大区作为项目区,随机选取项目区典型村的牧户为具体研究对象,通过定性定量分析与规范实证分析相结合,分析出人工牧草地流转意愿的影响因素变量。研究针对牧户是否愿意流转人工牧草地,运用逐步回归模型分析得出影响牧户流转意愿的主要因素有户主文化程度、家庭劳动力人数、牧户拥有人工牧草地面积、牲畜养殖方式、牧草地流转前家庭收入来源、流转后家庭收入变化及种植饲料是否足够用于喂养自家的牲畜等,并分析这些因素如何影响牧户人工牧草地流转意愿。最后根据结论提出对策建议,以期完善牧草地流转机制。 Pasture is the base of livestock husbandry development. The transfer of pasture land is of great significance to improve the economic benefits of herders, speed up the income increase of pastoralists and the economic development of pastoral areas. The three large pastoral areas in Xinjiang were selected as the project area, and the herdsman households in the typical village of the project area were randomly selected as the specific research objects. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis combined with canonical empirical analysis, the influencing factors of the willingness to transfer of artificial pasture were analyzed. Based on the stepwise regression analysis, the main factors affecting the willingness of the herders to transfer their income were studied. The main factors include the level of education of family members, the number of domestic laborers, the area of ​​artificial pasture land owned by herdsmen, the ways of livestock breeding, The source of family income, the change of household income after the transfer and the adequacy of the feed for raising their own livestock, etc., And analyze how these factors affect the willingness of the herdsmen to transfer pasture land. Finally, according to the conclusion, the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to improve the circulation mechanism of pasture land.
【摘要】学生欠缺地理思维能力的种种现象:对地理学科的特点认识不足;综合分析鉴别能力低,思维的深度和广度不到位;依赖思维定式,思维的逻辑性欠佳。从几个角度开展地理课堂教学,对学生形成正确的地理思维大有裨益:运用启发式教学,充分调动学生学习地理的正确思维;打好学习地理的思维基础,完善地理知识结构;提高地理思维能力,提倡注重运用生活实际。  【关键词】地理思维能力 地理知识结构 生活实际  当今很多高中