Investigation of nuclear enzyme topoisomerase as a putative molecular target of monohaloacetonitrile

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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Disinfection by-products occur widely as the unintended effect of water disinfection and are associated with toxicity and adverse human health effects. Yet the molecular mechanisms of their toxicity are not well understood. To investigate the molecular basis of hyperploidy induction by monohaloacetonitriles, the interaction of monohaloacetonitriles with topoisomerase Ⅱ in Chinese hamster ovary cells was examined. We showed a concentration-dependent inhibition of DNA decatenation activity of topoisomerase under acellular conditions while in vitro monohaloacetonitrile treatment expressed mixed results. The working hypothesis, that topoisomerase Ⅱ is a molecular target of monohaloacetonitriles, was only partially supported.Nevertheless, this research serves as a starting point toward molecular mechanisms of toxic action of monohaloacetonitriles. Disinfection by-products occur as the unintended effect of water disinfection and are associated with toxicity and adverse human health effects. Yet the molecular mechanisms of their toxicity are not well understood. To investigate the molecular basis of hyperloidloid induction by monohaloacetonitriles, the interaction of monohaloacetonitriles with topoisomerase II in Chinese hamster ovary cells was examined. We showed a concentration-dependent inhibition of DNA decatenation activity of topoisomerase under acellular conditions while in vitro monohaloacetonitrile treatment expressed mixed results. The working hypothesis, that topoisomerase II is a molecular target of monohaloacetonitriles , was only partially supported. However, this research serves as a starting point toward molecular mechanisms of toxic action of monohaloacetonitriles.
肌肉注射是临床上最常用的一种给药方式,而肌肉注射后产生的局部硬结,也是一种很常见的并发症。偶尔打针,对一般人来说并无大碍,但有些人皮肤会有比较严重的反应,特别是多次、长期注射某些种类的药物,皮肤会出现红肿、结节,不仅给患者带来痛苦,影响药物吸收和疗效,也是造成治疗中断的原因之一。  肌注发生硬结的原因是多方面的,主要是药物吸收缓慢或注射的深度不够,与药物种类、注射方法、体质因素有关:  药物 因素
据美国“健康”网站报道,在各种处理夫妻矛盾的方式中,人们认为最文明的“沉默不语”其实最有杀伤力,很多婚姻因此破裂。  美国华盛顿大学的研究团队调查了250万对夫妻后发现,在发生矛盾时,有93%的夫妻都想竭力避免发生正面冲突,只好通过冷战来表达不满和愤怒。这种方式让双方难以沟通和表达,彼此误会更深。调查显示,在离婚的夫妻中,80%曾长期冷战。夫妻冷战内容包括:相互不理睬、分居、没有性生活、毫不关心对
观察日记第一天:  水痘初现  在门诊,我见到了四岁的小男孩天天,妈妈领他来看病,家长撩起衣服对我说:“大夫,你看看,孩子这出的是什么?是蚊子咬的?还是水痘?孩子偶尔说有点痒,但是不太厉害。”我仔细查看,我发现,孩子的前胸和后背共有5个红色的斑丘疹,和平常蚊子咬的大小差不多,但是其中有两个皮疹上面出现了水滴样的小水泡。我问孩子:“天天,你痒不痒?”孩子摇摇头。我给孩子查了体,只有嗓子稍微有点红,其
[偏方1]  将元胡30克、牛膝60克一同碾碎,浸入300克白酒中,然后将装有药酒的容器放入热灰或热水中,使酒变温,药性完全溶于酒,每日两次,随量饮用即可。  [偏方2]  每天用适量黄酒与10克左右的红曲煎汁温服。  [偏方3]  将泽兰30克,黄酒300克共同用小火煎煮约半小时,待饮用时,再加少量温热的黄酒。随量饮用,以不醉为度。  胎儿出生之后,恶露应自然排出体外,如果恶露不下,即排出的非常