过去3 0多年的中国经济快速发展,造就了一大批成功的企业和企业管理者,但这并不能说明这些企业和企业管理者一定能够保证企业未来的成功。要实现用有限的资源,创造一个尽可能大的附加值,再用附加值满足人们无限的需求,做到真正为我所用,企业的路还很长,我们始终在路上。企业如何经营才能适应当下这个变化的环境?企业管理者如何才能让企业免于陷入危机的境地?实际上企业需要的并不是令人眼前一亮的新管理工
The rapid economic growth in China over the past 30 years has resulted in a large number of successful enterprises and business managers, but this does not mean that these enterprises and business managers will surely guarantee the success of the enterprises in the future. To achieve the use of limited resources, to create as much value as possible, and then use the added value to meet the unlimited needs of people, so I really use for the business is still a long way, we are always on the road. How do businesses operate to adapt to the current changing environment? How can managers save companies from a crisis? In fact, what businesses need is not a shining new manager