Possible link between long-term and short-term water injections and earthquakes in salt mine and sha

来源 :Earth and Planetary Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woaiyueyue1314
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Late at night on 17 June 2019, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Shuanghe Town and its surrounding area in Changning County, Sichuan, China, becoming the largest earthquake recorded within the southern Sichuan Basin. A series of earthquakes with magnitudes up to 5.6 occurred during a short period after the mainshock, and we thus refer to these earthquakes as the Changning M6 earthquake sequence (or swarm). The mainshock was located very close to a salt mine, into which for ~3 decades fresh water had been extensively injected through several wells at a depth of 2.7–3 km. It was also near (within ~15 km) the epicenter of the 18 December 2018 M5.7 Xingwen earthquake, which is thought to have been induced by shale gas hydraulic fracturing (HF), prompting questions about the possible involvement of industrial activities in the M6 sequence. Following previous studies, this paper focuses on the relationship between injection and seismicity in the Shuanghe salt field and its adjacent Shangluo shale gas block. Except for a period of serious water loss after the start of cross-well injection in 2005–2006, the frequency of earthquakes shows a slightly increasing tendency. Overall, there is a good correlation between the event rate in the Shuanghe area and the loss of injected water. More than 400 M ≥ 3 earthquakes, including 40 M ≥ 4 and 5 M ≥ 5 events, had been observed by the end of August 2019. Meanwhile, in the Shangluo area, seismicity has increased during drilling and HF operations (mostly in vertical wells) since about 2009, and dramatically since the end of 2014, coincident with the start of systematic HF in the area. The event rate shows a progressively increasing background with some fluctuations, paralleling the increase in HF operations. More than 700 M ≥ 3 earthquakes, including 10 M ≥ 4 and 3 M ≥ 5 in spatially and temporally clustered seismic events, are correlated closely with active fracturing platforms. Well-resolved centroid moment tensor results for M ≥ 4 earthquakes were shown to occur at very shallow depths around shale formations with active HF, in agreement with some of the clusters, which occurred within the coverage area of temporary or new permanent monitoring stations and thus have been precisely located. After the Xingwen M5.7 earthquake, seismic activity in the salt well area increased significantly. The Xingwen earthquake may have created a unidirectional rupture to the NNW, with an end point close to the NW-trending fault of the Shuanghe earthquake. Thus, a fault in the Changning anticline might have terminated the fault rupture of the Xingwen earthquake, possibly giving the Xingwen earthquake a role in promoting the Changning M6 event.
G623.2  爱因斯坦曾指出:“提出一个问题往往比解决一个问题更为重要。因为解决问题,也许仅是技能而已,而提出新的问题,新的可能性,从新的角度去看旧的问题,却需要创造性的想象力,而且标志着科学的真正进步。”在实际教学中,有效的课堂提问能诱发学生思维的兴趣,使提问真正问到学生们的心"窍"上。在接受新知的过程中始终学生感到“柳暗花明又一村”的情境,增强了学生的学习兴趣。现结合多年来的教学实践来谈谈本
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G633.3  人文一词,最早出现在《易经》中贲卦的彖辞:“观乎天文以察时变;观乎人文以化成天下。”宋.程颐《伊川易传》释作:“天文,天之理也;人文,人之道也。”因此,赵志宏教授认为人文素养是指一个人成其为人和发展为人才的内在素质和修养。因此人文精神对一个人的综合发展十分重要。众所周知的是,到目前为止,我国始终采用的是应试考试制度,这种考试制度给教师以及学生都带来了较大的压力。许多教师在进行教学过
内容摘要:素质教育需要培养学生的质疑能力,激发学生的好奇心、求知欲。教师在语文教学中要尊重学生,让学生敢问;教给学生提问的方法,使学生会问;积极评价学生的问题,使学生乐问。教师要实实在在地培养学生质疑能力。  关键词:语文教学;质疑能力;敢问;会问;乐问  G623.2  《新课程标准》指出“语文课程必须根据学生身心发展和语文学习的特点,关注学生的个体差异和不同的学习需求,爱护学生的好奇心,求知欲
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摘要:小学语文学科作为基础教育中的核心课程,对锻炼小学生的理解能力、表达能力以及思维能力等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。小学语文课堂有效教学对培养学生的综合素质颇有影响。课堂有效教学有利于提高教学质量,促进语文课堂的高效发展。  关键词 :小学语文;课堂教学;教学方法;效率研究  G623.2  一、为学生创设一个多彩的课堂学习氛围  在强调素质教育的当下,教师要想取得课堂教学的成功,就必须先做好课前
G632.4  所谓“学案导学”是指以学案为载体,以导学为方法,学生的自主学习为主体,教师的启迪引领为主导,“传业、授道、解惑”,师生共同合作完成教学任务的一种教学模式。而“学案”是建立在教案基础上的激发学生自主学习、合作学习而设置的一种学习方案。从“教案”到“学案”的转变,其本质是教学重心由教师如何“教”转变为学生如何“学”,必须把教师的教学目标转化为学生学习的目标,把学习目标设计成学习方案交给
目的 研究不同程度糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)患者血浆肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)、可溶性白介素-2受体(IL-2R)及C反应蛋白(CRP)水平,为探