约翰·洛克(John locke 1632—1704年)是十七世纪英国著名思想家、教育家,是欧洲早期资产阶级具有进步思想的代表人物之一。为英国资产阶级的兴起,资本主义制度的建立,做出了不可磨灭的贡献。 在洛克的一生中著有《政府论》、《人类理解论》、《教育漫话》等许多著作,其中随处可见他对中世纪以来的经院主义和禁欲主义的批判和挑战精神。并提出了许多有利于资本主义发展的政治主
John Locke (1632-1704) was a famous English thinker and educator in the 17th century, and one of the representatives of the progressive development of early bourgeoisie in Europe. It made an indelible contribution to the rise of the British bourgeoisie and the establishment of the capitalist system. In Locke’s life, he has published many works such as “government theory”, “theory of human understanding”, “education romance”, among which he can criticize and challenge the scholasticism and asceticism since the Middle Ages. And put forward many political masters that are conducive to the development of capitalism