扬长避短是用人的基本策略。似乎只有长处才是可用的, 短处只能避之。其实,长处与短处是相对的,是可以相互转化的,只要科学引导,短处同样是人力资源配置的“闪光点”。记得一位专门从事人力资本研究的学者说过:“发现并运用一个人的优点,你只能得60分;如果你想得80分的话,就必须容忍一个人的缺点,发现并合理利用这个人的缺点和不足。”
Avoiding weaknesses is the basic strategy of employing people. It seems that only the strengths are available, weaknesses can only be avoided. In fact, strengths and weaknesses are relative and can be transformed into one another. As long as science is guided, the weaknesses are also the “bright spots” of the allocation of human resources. I remember one scholar who specializes in human capital research said: “You can only get 60 points by discovering and using one person's strengths. If you want 80 points, you have to tolerate one's weaknesses, find out and use it wisely Human shortcomings and deficiencies. ”