编辑同志: 你好。今年我从其他部门调入宣传部门,成为宣传思想战线的一名新兵。在工作中, 我感到在新形势下,意识形态领域存在各种复杂的情况,坚持和巩固马克思主义的指导地位至关重要。然而对于怎样正确认识和巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位,我缺乏系统的认识,希望能够予以讲解。读者:宜安
Edit comrades: Hello. This year, I transferred from other departments to the propaganda department and became a recruiter on the propaganda and ideological front. In my work, I feel that under the new situation, there are various complicated situations in the field of ideology. It is of crucial importance to uphold and consolidate the leading position of Marxism. However, I do not have a systematic understanding of how to correctly understand and consolidate the leading position of Marxism in the field of ideology. I hope it can be explained. Readers: Yi An