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自1975年6月联合国在墨西哥城召开第一次世界妇女大会以来,妇女问题日益为国际社会所瞩目。越来越多的人认识到,妇女的权利是人权的一部分,世界的和平与发展离不开妇女。为进一步唤起各国政府和社会各界对妇女问题的重视,1975年底,联合国大会宣布1976~1985年为“联合国妇女十年:平等、发展、和平”。1985年7月,在内罗毕召开的“审查和评价联合国妇女大会十年成就世界会议”(即第三次世界妇女大会) Since the United Nations held the first World Conference on Women in Mexico City in June 1975, the issue of women has drawn increasing attention from the international community. More and more people realize that women’s rights are part of human rights and that peace and development in the world can not be separated from women. In order to further arouse the attention of women from all walks of government and the community, by the end of 1975, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 1976 to 1985 the “United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace.” The Ninth World Conference to Review and Appraise the Ten-Year Achievements of the United Nations Women’s Conference (Ninth World Conference on Women), Nairobi, July 1985
Bezoars are usually confined to the stomach which is seen in individuals with psychiatric illness like trichotillomania,trichophagia and gastric dysmotility.Lon
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日前 ,大唐电信的C2 0 0 0CStarlightCDMA系列无线宽带直放站中标贵州联通CDMA网络二、三期直放站项目。这是大唐电信继近来接连中标甘肃联通、邢台联通、秦皇岛联通、陕西联
本文介绍一种光折射的演示法,它是用激光作光源,可演示光的折射现象和测定折射率,这种方法容易操作并且准确度高,它适用于任何教室环境 This article presents a demonstration
AIM:To evaluate changes in the fatty acid composition of erythrocyte membrane phospholipids during severe and mild acute pancreatitis(AP)of alcoholic and nonalc