
来源 :机车电传动 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jbwjbw
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“革命就是解放生产力,革命就是促进生产力的发展”。无产阶级文化大革命的伟大胜利,推动了我国工农业生产的发展,也促进了运输事业的发展。当前铁路牵引动力的革命,对于牵引电器提出了更高的要求,所党委号召我们进一步提高牵引电器的质量。遵照伟大领袖毛主席关于“打破洋框框,走自己工业发展的道路”的教导,我们对当前内燃、电力机车所使用的各型电空阀进行了认真的分析研究,提出了采用“引流放大”原理设计一种新型电空阀的设想。 “Revolution means liberating the productive forces and revolution means promoting the development of the productive forces.” The great victory of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution has promoted the development of our country’s industrial and agricultural production and also promoted the development of the transport industry. The current railway traction power revolution, traction appliances put forward higher requirements, the party called for us to further improve the quality of traction appliances. Following the teachings of Chairman Mao, the great leader, on “Breaking the Western Framework and Taking the Road in Our Own Industrial Development”, we conducted a careful analysis and study on the various types of electropumps used in internal combustion and electric locomotives and put forward the proposal of adopting “diversion and amplification” The concept of design of a new type of electro-pneumatic valve.
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一、概述 长大货物车装设多导向——侧移机构的目的,是为了减少长大货物车通过曲线时其车体中部相对曲线中心线的内偏倚量,实现超级超限运行。通常,要是没有这种多导向 I.
①我能进入公证这个行业,完全缘于一个非常偶然的机会。那年九月,我考完司法考试后,不可救药地进入了彻底放松的状态,没完没了地上网, ① I can enter a notary public beca
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本文将我所设计的大冶电厂专用线加筋土挡墙作一简要介绍. 大冶加筋土挡墙设计一、墙面结构设计国内已建成的加筋土挡墙的墙面多为十字型、矩形钢筋混凝土或混凝土结构。大
本文对直径在6时以上之柴油机活塞的设计问题进行了评述。文内阐述的主要是四冲程柴油机的活塞设计问题。 This paper reviews the design of diesel pistons with diameter