在世界上许多国家有机鱼养殖都成功建立起来,然而美国仍然有待于建立这一标准。那么结合一个健康的市场需求以及在此方面15年的工作,现在引发这一问题:美国有机水产品养殖标准怎么样了?(TheFishSite编辑Lucy Towers)在欧盟以及加拿大,有机水产品养殖都在一个细分市场里取得成功。在美国,当人们希望对所购商品有信心时,有机产品同样有巨大的市场需求,美国农业部水产养殖工作组主席George Lockwood说。
Organic fish farming has been successfully established in many countries in the world, yet the United States still needs to establish this standard. Combining a healthy market demand and 15 years of work in this area now raises the question: What is the standard for organic aquaculture in the United States? (TheFishSite Editor Lucy Towers) In the EU and Canada organic aquaculture is all about one Success in market segments. In the United States, organic products also have huge market needs when people want confidence in what they buy, said George Lockwood, chair of the USDA Aquaculture Task Force.