据国家审计署的报告,原国家电力公司仅一次125人的内部会议,3天竟耗资300万元。这种奢糜享受挥霍无度的行为,已引起社会公愤。人们不禁要问,那些享用奢华的官员,现在还在职在位吗?他们应担负什么样的责任?人们已不满足于媒体上披露的审计的结果,而是期待着跟进处罚的下文。 一些垄断的行业,占的是国有企业旱涝保收的机遇,蓄的是国有资产
According to the report of the National Audit Office, the former State Power Company once held an internal meeting of only 125 people and cost 3 million yuan in three days. This extravagance enjoys extravagance and has caused public outrage. People can not help but ask, are those luxury officials who are still in office? What responsibilities should they bear? People are not satisfied with the result of the audit disclosed in the media. They are looking forward to following up the punishment. Some monopolized industries account for the opportunities of state-owned enterprises for receiving droughts and floods and reserving them as state-owned assets