对于考试,传统的做法一般是:学生在规定的时间内,完成一份试题,教师收齐、批改后发给学生,然后根据阅卷过程中发现的问题,对较难和易错的题目进行详细的评讲,对其他的题目略讲或只对答案不讲解。这种处理考试及试卷的方法存在较多的弊端。 1、一份试卷定成败,影响了学生学英语的兴趣,挫伤了他们的积极性。 2、学生完全处于被动的接受状态,等着教师说出正确答案作记录,课堂气氛不活跃。教学效果不理想。 3、教师对学生出错的原因知之甚少,基本上是
For exams, the traditional practice is generally: Students complete a test within a specified time, and the teachers receive and correct the questions and send them to the students. Then, based on the problems found during the marking process, the questions that are more difficult and error-prone are detailed. The commentary is slightly on other topics or does not explain only the answers. This method of handling examinations and papers has many drawbacks. 1. The success or failure of a test paper has affected students’ interest in learning English and dampened their enthusiasm. 2. Students are completely passive and waiting for the teacher to speak the correct answer for the record. Classroom atmosphere is not active. The teaching effect is not ideal. 3, teachers know little about the causes of student error, basically