
来源 :中国国境卫生检疫杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gxfcs
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〔目的〕了解入境国际航行船舶携带输入性医学媒介生物及病原体的情况。〔方法〕在检疫锚地对来自国外的入境国际航行船舶携带的输入性医学媒介生物,包括鼠类、蚊类、蝇类、蠓类、蚋类和蜚蠊类等进行采集并进行计数和分类鉴定,对携带输入性蚊蝇在入境船舶上的栖息场所的微小气候因素进行测定分析,对输入性蚊类携带的虫媒病毒进行分离鉴定。〔结果〕2000—2006年共调查5400余艘次入境国际航行船舶,来源地涉及亚洲、非洲、欧洲、南美洲、北美洲、大洋洲的35个国家和地区;已鉴定确认的输入性医学媒介生物6类95种,其中鼠类2种,蚊类22种,蝇类51种,吸血蠓类12种,蚋类5种,蜚蠊类3种。并采获5个新种,7个中国新记录种。上述蠓种和蚋种均为国内首次发现。输入性蚊蝇与入境船舶上的微小气候因素有密切关系。在来自亚洲、北美洲、南美洲及大洋洲的6个国家的15艘次入境国际航行船舶携带的935只输入性蚊类体内分离出13株虫媒病毒,其中乙脑病毒8株,甲病毒属病毒5株。〔结论〕调查证明了入境国际航行船舶携带输入性医学媒介生物及病原体的情况相当严重,对此应给予高度关注。 [Purpose] To understand the situation of ships carrying imported medical vectors and pathogens entering international voyages. [Methods] Imported medical vector organisms, including rodents, mosquitoes, flies, clams, cockroaches, and cockroaches, carried on board international voyages of ships entering the country at quarantine anchorage were collected and counted and classified , The micro-climatic factors that carry the imported mosquitoes and flies in the habitats on the entering ships were measured and analyzed, and the arbovirus carried by the imported mosquitoes was isolated and identified. [Results] From 2000 to 2006, a total of more than 5,400 inbound international voyages were surveyed and the origin of which involved 35 countries and regions in Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, North America and Oceania. The accredited input medical vector organisms There are 95 species in 6 categories, including 2 species of rodents, 22 species of mosquitoes, 51 species of flies, 12 species of vampire species, 5 species of catfish and 3 species of cockroaches. Five new species were harvested and seven new recorded species were recorded in China. The above species and species are found for the first time in China. The imported mosquitoes and flies are closely related to the micro-climate factors on the entering vessels. Thirteen ARVs were isolated from 935 imported mosquitoes carried by 15 international voyages on six international vessels from six countries in Asia, North America, South America and Oceania, of which 8 were Japanese encephalitis 5 strains of virus [Conclusion] The investigation shows that the situation of ships carrying imported medical vectors and pathogens entering international voyages is quite serious and should be given high attention.
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