An Application of“Story Grammar” in “Picture-Writing”of NMET Composition

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  In National Matriculation English Test(NMET), compo-sition is an important part in “Paper Two”, which comprises “picture-writing”, a commonly seen genre. The purpose of this paper, baesd on the analysis of NMET samples, is to ex-plore an application of “story grammar” concerning psy-cholinguistic in “picture-writing” of NMET composition.
  1.“Story grammar” approach in Narrative Dis-course Processing
  (1)story grammar
  A story grammar is a schema memory that identifies the typical planning of an event in a story. “Story grammar” re-gards an integrated narration as comprising setting, event, re-sponse, goal, attempt, outcome, ending like chunks in an episode, which offer somewhat ideal components in organiz-ing a narrative framework:
  (2)simple story and embedded story
  Carroll found that the story grammar approach places emphasis on the concept of an episode. The simple episode has separate chunks for readers to recall and summarize. But an embedded story presents readers with more complicated states embedded in other states, thus story writers leave lower levels for recalling.
  Both of the story genres can be analyzed by a story grammar, so can “picture-writing” in NMET composition.
  Below is an example of “picture-writing” .
  (2005 Guangdong paper) Michael是一名美国中学生,在学校里选修汉语。他利用暑假到中国进修,希望进一步了解中国文化。有一天,他看到下面有关成语的漫画,不大明白其中的意思。请你用英语把漫画所表达的故事和寓意写成一段短文,向他解释。
  2.参考词汇:bump into(撞上), hoe(锄头)
  The analysis indicates that the four pictures tell a fa-mous Chinese idiom story “Trust to chance and windfalls” consistent with “story grammar” mode. How the simple story is analyzed by a story grammar is shown below:
  1.Once upon a time, there was a farmer.(S)
  2.He worked hard in the field every day.(E)
  3.One day, he was ploughing in the field and he heard a sound.(E)
  4.He saw a rabbit lying by the trump.(R)
  5.He picked it up.(O)
  6.He decided not to work that hard.(G)
  7.He threw away the hoe.(A)
  8.He lay by the tree for more rabbits to come.(A)
  9.He realized the foolishness and returned to his field.(O)
  10.All the crops were dead.(N)
  It shows that the length of the discourse and the sen-tence structures do not influence the application of a story grammar. Grammatically, a complete sentence serves as“chunk” in an episode,the processes such as setting,goal,attempt can appear irregularly one or more times in a story. A “chunk” may include more than one plot. It seems easier to imply the story’s setting, event, outcome and ending than its attempts,goals and response.
   “Story grammar” is an effective approach in framing ei-ther a“simple story”or an“embedded story” of“picture writ-ing”in NMET composition. The analysis of some NMET papers and their possible versions could suggest that with the guidance of“S-E-R-G-A-O-N”mode and other story grammar rules plus the method of“fluency to accuracy”,it is probable to write a standard NMET task-based composition,which may benefit the NMET researchers and many NMET participants.However,we need to discover how other forms of picture-writing is organized and the solution to teach stu-dents the“story grammar” approach in success of promoting NMET writing techniques.
  (责编 周侯辰 黄 晓)
一直以来,我的语文课都选择带有一定思维色彩的教学形式,但一直不受好评。我认为高中语文教学应当不再是从小学至初中都在进行的、有关“语文”的基础知识教学的简单重复,而是应当为学生创设一种思辨的课堂,去引发学生深层次的理性思考,让他们稚嫩的思想在宁静而热烈的思考和探讨中逐渐走向成熟,让他们的人生因为思考而灵动丰盈。  那么,怎样才能做到思辨教学呢?笔者对此有以下一些感悟:    一、发挥优势,以人为本是
历史长廊中的人物都很聪明,懂得利用谐音、谐义、谐形的方法来劝诫和警告别人。现在,你了解直谐法了吗?  找一找,下面哪些谜语能用直谐法来猜呢?  1.增加十两(打一城市名)  2.二三四五,六七八九(打一成语)  3.一口咬掉牛尾巴(打一字)  4.72小时(打一字)  5.左看是马,右看是猪,非猪非马,实在可怕(打一字)  6.上面能产粮,下面能盖房,上下在一起,请你尝一尝(打一字)  7.过去一
一、苏教版《选读》教材整合    整个课程的学时可以安排如下。由于这一选修模块的教学只有10周时间(40个学时),因此可精选其中的重点名篇进行课堂选讲。有些专题,文本可以相互打通来教学,如《高祖本纪》与《项羽本纪》关系密切,故可放在一起进行研读。    在教材的教学实施流程中,建议教师从第三专题开始教学,教学完成三、四、五、六专题内容后,再来实施第一专题的教学并依次完成第二、七、八专题的教学。  
在平常的作文教学中,学生对“音乐、风、愁”等无形之物的描写感到无形可抓,难以把握;教师亦无从下手,不能给学生一些有效的方法,故而学生描写苍白无力。通过对《琵琶行》、《虞美人》终有所感,因而想借此机会与广大同仁共享:  首先,运用映衬、比喻、通感、夸张、拟人等修辞手法。如《琵琶行》中是这样描写音乐的:“大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语。嘈嘈切切错杂弹,大珠小珠落玉盘。”作者就是通过奇妙的比喻,把琵琶的
【摘 要】 as可以用作关系副词、关系代词和连词。as在复合句中使用很广,除了用来引导定语从句之外,还可以用来引导状语从句和表语从句。本文就as作为连词引导的状语从句的用法及其表达方式等问题进行探讨。  【关键词】 as 状语从句 复合句    一、as引导一个时间状语从句,相当于when, while(当……的时候)。as在这种情况下表达两层意思。  1.主句谓语动词所表示的动作在从句谓语动词所
【摘 要】 《还乡》是哈代第二部著名的“性格与环境小说”。关于《还乡》的主题,不同时代的人有着不同的诠释。本文从环境、人物的性格和机遇这三个方面来分析,指出人的欲望是悲剧产生的根源。  【关键词】 埃格墩荒原 欲望 机遇 悲剧    创作于1878年的《还乡》是哈代第二部著名的“性格与环境小说”。哈代“性格与环境小说”的悲剧意识丰富又复杂,不同时代的人有着不同的诠释。本文从环境、人物的性格、机遇这
第一节 名词    要点归纳  一、名词的分类  名词分类可简单列表如下:  二、名词的数  (一)可数名词复数的构成  1.规律变化  可数名词复数的构成规律如下:  2.不规则变化的可数名词单数变复数形式  英语里有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的,需要记忆。但可分类归纳如下:  注:巧记“某国人”的单复数变化:中日不变,英法变,其余后面把s添。即:Chinese,Japanese的单复数相同,E