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信息化是当今世界经济和社会发展的大趋势,也是我国产业优化升级和实现工业化、现代化的关键环节。党的十五届五中全会通过的《建议》明确提出:“大力推进国民经济和社会信息化,是覆盖现代化建设全局的战略举措。”可见,信息化对我国实现生产力的跨越式发展是一个千载难逢的机遇。只要我们抓住机遇,充分发挥后发优势,以信息化带动工业化,就完全有可能在全球性的经济结构调整中尽快走出困境,后来居上。一、信息化对经济结构的影响信息化对经济结构的影响是全方位的,可以把这种影响概括为如下3个方面。一是通过要素对经济增长的贡献率的变化来影响经济结构。过去的经济增长,资源、土地、资本的地位比较突出,但信息化将会使知识和信息在经济增长中的作用上升到首位。反映到经济结构中就是信息产业将会成为经济发展中的新增长点,得到超常规发展,并对整个经济的结构升级起到带动作用。据预测,“十五”期间,我国信息产业的年均增长速度将在25%以上,远高于GDP的年均增长预测值;到2005年,全国信息产品制造业的规模水平将达到3万亿元,并将成为带动经济发展和结构调整的主导产业。二是信息化将会对传统产业的经营业态产生强大的冲击,迫使传统产业通过信息化途径来进行产业升级和结构调整。信息化将使生产要素的时空分布和结构发生根本性的变化,这种变化必然要影响到生产要素的具体组合方式。如网络的出现已经给传统的金融、市场营销等领域带来了巨大的冲击,电子商务作为一种新的 Informationization is the general trend of economic and social development in today’s world and is also the key link for the optimization and upgrading of our industry and the realization of industrialization and modernization. The “Proposal” adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee clearly states: “Vigorously promoting the national economy and informatization of society is a strategic measure covering the overall situation of modernization.” It can be seen that the informatization has achieved a leapfrog development in our country’s productive forces Is a golden opportunity. As long as we seize the opportunity, give full play to the advantage of being late, and bring the industrialization through informatization, we are entirely likely to get out of the predicament in the global economic structural adjustment as soon as possible and then come first. I. The Impact of Informatization on Economic Structure The impact of informatization on the economic structure is comprehensive and can be summed up in the following three aspects. First, the economic structure is influenced by the changes in the contribution rate of factors to economic growth. In the past, economic growth, resources, land and capital were more prominent. However, informationization will bring the role of knowledge and information in economic growth to the top. Reflected in the economic structure is that the information industry will become a new growth point in economic development, be supernormal development, and promote the structural upgrading of the entire economy. It is predicted that during the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, the average annual growth rate of China’s information industry will be above 25%, much higher than the annual average growth rate of GDP; by 2005, the scale of China’s information product manufacturing industry will reach the level of 3 trillion yuan, and will become the leading industry to drive economic development and structural adjustment. Second, informationization will have a strong impact on the business operations of traditional industries and force the traditional industries to upgrade their industries and readjust their industries through informational channels. Informationalization will make fundamental changes in the spatial and temporal distribution and structure of factors of production, which will inevitably affect the specific combination of factors of production. Such as the advent of the Internet has brought a huge impact to the traditional fields of finance, marketing, etc. As a new e-commerce
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近年来,山东省聊城市改革督查机制,建立大督查工作机制,将过去松散化、随机性的督查纳入规范化、制度化轨道,形成了横到底、纵到边的督查网络。  针对督查工作机构分散、政出多门的问题,聊城市整合市委督查室、市政府督查室、市委考核办和市纪委监察局部分处室,成立大督查落实委员会,实现了资源的有效整合和集中、职能的重新理顺和分配、制度的刚性落实和执行。  针对督查流于形式等现象,聊城市完善督查工作流程,打造督