编讲系列故事 培养幼儿同情心

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当前我们的教育对象多数是独生子女。独生子女由于他们处在“四二一”的特殊地位,缺少兄弟姐妹一起生活的经验,普遍“自我中心”严重,对集体缺乏义务感和责任感,对他人缺乏同情心。而同情心不仅是构成当今世界新型孩子良好的品质因素,而且能促使孩子今后具有高尚的情操。让世界充满爱已成为全球共同的声音,未来跨出国度的人际交往会更加频繁,那时的人更需要有健全的人格、良好的心理因素和善良的人性。因此培养幼儿从小富有同情心具有重要的深远的意义。同情心的培养和其它品德行为习惯的培养一样,要寓教于一日生活之中,在教知识、技能的过程中塑造培养幼儿的个性、感情、意志及高度关心帮助集体和他人的同情心。因此我们除精心设计课题和各项游戏活动进行潜移默化的培养外,还特别重视并注意捕捉幼儿在日常生活之中、游戏之中表现出的同情心的萌芽,及时鼓励和强化,教会幼儿用“爱”的心灵去观察、了解,给予遭受不幸或遇到困难的人们以关心、支持和帮助。 At present, most of our education targets are only children. Because of their special status of “April 21”, the only children lacked the experience of living with their brothers and sisters. They were generally “self-centered”, they lacked a sense of obligation and responsibility toward the collective, and they lacked compassion toward others. And compassion is not only a good quality factor that constitutes a new type of child in today’s world, but also a child’s noble sentiment in the future. To make the world full of love has become the common voice of the whole world. In the future, people will have more frequent interpersonal contacts across the country. At that time, people should have sound personalities, good psychological factors and good human nature. Therefore, training young children full of compassion has important and far-reaching significance. Compassion and other moral and behavioral training like to enlightenment in a day of life, in the process of teaching knowledge and skills to cultivate children’s personality, feelings, will and high degree of concern to help the collective and others sympathy . Therefore, in addition to elaborately designing topics and various sub-types of game activities, we pay special attention to and pay attention to capturing the infancy of compassion in the daily life of the young children and the timely encouragement and strengthening of the game. The young children of the church use “ Love ”to observe, understand, give care to, support and help to people who suffer misfortune or encounter difficulties.
Ultrasonic treatment technology is utilized to fabricate RBSiC, and a new polishing technology-float polishing is developed to process RBSiC. SEM, XRD, AFM. Ram
作者们认为,对活髓牙的磨削,等于是外科切开手术。外来诸刺激可通过暴露在磨削面上的牙本质小管,向牙髓传导,结果使牙髓及牙本质发生各种病变。因此,不仅露 The authors be