西充县仁和镇石桥坝村农民冯齐祥,在自家砖房屋顶上,建了两口各24平方米的养鱼池。1992年5月上旬买回鲶鱼鱼苗1万尾,科学饲养,至1992年底,他出售鲶鱼1200多公斤,鳝鱼310多公斤,收入现金6950元,加上出售鱼苗的3200元共收入10150元。冯齐祥养鱼一年致富的“诀窍”是: 一、用中草药防治鱼病 1、人尿:可治鱼鳃炎、鱼鳃出血、鱼虱及泛塘。每亩水面取人尿3—4公斤,清洁水25公斤,与1.5公斤熟石灰拌匀,再全池泼洒,每天一次,连续2—3次即可。 2、大黄:主治细菌性鱼病。将大黄捣烂,加适量水煮沸10分钟,取其药液稀释成1%浓度,将鱼种浸洗5分钟。 3、烟杆:主治肠炎病、烂鳃病、赤皮病等。每亩
Feng Qixiang, a farmer in Shiqiaoba Village, Renhe Town, Xichung County, built two 24-square-meter fish ponds on the roof of their own brick houses. In early May 1992 bought 10,000 fish fry, scientific feeding, to the end of 1992, he sold more than 1200 kilograms of catfish, eel 310 kilograms, 6900 yuan in cash income, together with the sale of fry 3,200 yuan received a total income of 10,150 yuan. Feng Qi Xiang fish get rich year “trick” is: First, the prevention and treatment of fish diseases with Chinese medicine 1, human urine: can cure fish gill inflammation, fish gills bleeding, louse and pan pond. Per acre surface to take urine 3-4 kg, 25 kg of clean water, and 1.5 kg of cooked lime and mix well, then Quanchiposa, once a day for 2-3 times in a row. 2, rhubarb: attending bacterial fish disease. The rhubarb smashed, add appropriate amount of water to boil for 10 minutes, take the liquid diluted to 1% concentration, the species dipped for 5 minutes. 3, tobacco stem: attending enteritis disease, rotten gill disease, red skin disease. Per acre