
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eduaskbj
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这是一个“小鬼当家”的栏目。内容完全经由校园制造,汇聚大中校园“官办”“民间”报刊精华。你一定有过这样的经历,曾经或者正在和一群同道好友经营着自己的社团,有一份手抄、油印、打印或铅印的刊物。你手上一定有那些记录了你们4年或者5年光阴的班刊、系刊和校报。把它寄给我们。让大家一起分享和分担你们的快乐和不快,倾诉和倾听彼此痛快的经历、碰过的钉子,那些让你击掌叫好或愤而疾呼的世象。哪怕只是一页纸片的日记、信笺、留言、贺卡,让我们听见那些贴心贴意的话,听见你的“腔调”、愁肠还有笑声。主持人小易、川川,期待你的来稿与建议汹涌而至。版权: 同学真相……男生眼中的清华女生《清华女生》我的主张……“我自豪,因为……”《清华女生》青蔬滋味长……无话可说(北师大《五四文学报》) 时光档案……昌平日记《北师大人》伙伴……“元火”群英会(北大《元火》) This is a “hometown” section. Content entirely through the campus to create, brought together large and medium schools “official ” “folk ” newspaper essence. You must have had the experience of having or being in business with a group of fellow friends with your own community, with a handwritten, mimeographed, printed or printed publication. There must be those in your hand that record your four-year or five-year class, department, and school newspaper. Send it to us. Let everyone share and share your happiness and displeasure, talk and listen to each other’s happy experiences, touched the nail, those who let you applause or indignant shout of the world. Even if only a piece of paper diaries, letterheads, messages, greeting cards, let us hear the words of those intimate, I heard your “accent ”, sad and laughter. Moderator Xiao Yi, Kawakawa, looking forward to your contributions and suggestions surging to. Copyright: the true story of the students ... ... boys in the eyes of Tsinghua girls “Tsinghua girls” My Proposition ... ... “I am proud, because ... ...” “Tsinghua girls” Green vegetables long taste ... ... nothing to speak of Four literary newspaper “) time file ...... Changping Diary” North division adults “partner ...... ” Yuan fire “group meeting (Peking University” Yuan fire ")
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为了培养面向21世纪的青年创业者,进一步组织动员广大青年在改革开放和经济建设的伟大实践中艰苦奋斗,建功立业,共青团中央推出“中国青年创业行动”。 In order to train
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《青年与社会》杂志于1999年第1期猛烈炮轰文坛一稿多投、“借腹生子”者。《中国青年》也深受一稿多投之害。为此,《中国青年》文摘版特转载此文。 “Youth and Society”
对电算化会计档案的内容、生成控制、档案管理进行议论。 The computerized accounting file content, generate control, file management to be discussed.
如图,已知PT切圆O于T,PAB是圆O的割线,连结AT,BT.于是就形成了切割线定理的基本图形.很多同学一看见这个图形,就会立即想到结论:PT~2=PA·PB.而对AT/TB却不大注意.但是 As