玩具和书是儿子的宝贝,可是3岁的他习惯把玩具和书随手乱丢。我总是像跟屁虫似的跟在后面收拾东西。我常对儿子说:“贝贝,玩具不要乱扔,玩过以后应该放回原处。”“妈妈天天给你收拾东西,累死了。”“如果再乱丢玩具,妈妈就把它们都扔了。”儿子兴致高时,偶尔也帮着一起收拾一下。有时我唠叨,他只是瞪大眼睛看着我,然后依旧做他自己的事。为此我特别烦恼。 多次说教效果甚差,玩具依然到处都是。我在观察中渐渐发现,要培养儿子不随便乱扔东西的好习惯,光靠教条式的规范教育无法引起他的兴趣。我知道儿子喜欢听故事,喜欢做游戏,何不以此
Toys and books are the son’s baby, but 3-year-old he used to throw toys and books readily. I always follow things like a beetle. I often say to my son: “Babe, toys do not throw, after playing should be put back in place.” “Mom every day to pack up your stuff, exhausted.” “If you litter toys, Mom put them all Throwing. ”When his son was high spirits, occasionally help together to clean up. Sometimes I nag, he just stared at me, and still did his own thing. I am especially worried about this. Repeated preaching effect is very poor, toys are still everywhere. As I gradually observed in my observation, it is necessary to cultivate good habits in which my son does not throw things at random. His education based on dogmatic norms can not arouse his interest. I know my son likes to listen to stories, like to play games, why not