Analysis of Introgressed Segments in Near-isogenic Lines for F_1 Pollen Sterility in Rice (Oryza sat

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pzbisyt
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One hundred and fifty-eight microsatellite markers showing polymorphism among parents were used to survey the introgressed segments in the 50 near-isogenic lines of F_1 pollen sterility. Two hundred and sixty introgressed segments were detected in 50 near-isogenic lines, each carrying 5.2 introgressed segments on an average. Among the 260 segments, one hundred carrying F_1 pollen sterility loci concentrated on the region of F_1 pollen sterility genes, and the remaining one hundred and sixty without F_1 pollen sterility loci distributed randomly over 12 chromosomes. Both the average number and length of the introgressed segments decreased along with the increase of backcross generations. The number of introgressed segments was less than four and the length was less than 20 cM in the near-isogenic lines after backcrossing for four or more times. One hundred and fifty-eight microsatellite markers showing polymorphism among parents were used to survey the introgressed segments in the 50 near-isogenic lines of F_1 pollen sterility. Two hundred and sixty introgressed segments were detected in 50 near-isogenic lines, each carrying 5.2 introgressed Among the 260 segments, one hundred carrying F_1 pollen sterility loci concentrated on the region of F_1 pollen sterility genes, and the remaining one hundred and sixty without F_1 pollen sterility loci distributed randomly over 12 chromosomes. Both the average number and The number of introgressed segments was less than four and the length was less than 20 cM in the near-isogenic lines after back crossross for four or more times.
概念是组成数学的基石,概念教学有助于培养学生的逻辑思维能力。小学中、高年级正是培养学生抽象逻辑思维的黄金时期,特别是高年级学生已具备一定的数学基础,正是渗透概念教学的关键时机,但是,对小学生来说不宜直接灌输概念,而是要循序渐进加以引导,让学生通过相关的数学知识提炼出概念。  一、紧扣生活,有效感知概念  五年级学生已经学习过各种平面图形、面积和面积单位,也初步学习了立体图形,但是教材把“体积与容积
在小学数学教学的诸多要素中,教材的地位举足轻重,一方面为课堂教学提供依据和参考,另一方面为学生的学习提供方法指导。然而,在教学中,不少教师唯教材之马首是瞻,无论是教学设计还是学生学法的指导,跟着教材亦步亦趋,与其说是在教学生,不如说是在“教”教材。  笔者认为,实施个性化教学,就要从个性化使用教材做起。只有灵活使用教材,以发展学生思维为己任,才能落实个性化教学的理念,实现教学共生的精彩课堂。  一