1 前言 我国现行标准GB1102—74圆股钢丝绳和YB829—79异型股钢丝绳已执行多年,在促进技术进步,提高产品质量,满足用户需要等方面起到了重要的作用。但是,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,国内市场和国际市场正在扩大融通,这需要加快与国际标准和国际惯例接轨。而现行标准,虽然由强制性标准改为推荐性标准,仅从标准的属性上进行了划分,但就标准的技术内容而言,仍然没有摆脱计划经济体制下的标准模式。如标准数量多,标准的内容有的过细、过死,市场适用性、可操作性差等缺点。
1 Preface China’s current standard GB1102-74 round wire rope and YB829-79 shaped wire rope has been implemented for many years, to promote technological progress, improve product quality, meet user needs and so played an important role. However, with the development of the socialist market economy, the domestic market and the international market are expanding their integration. This needs to be accelerated in line with international standards and international practices. However, the current standards, though changing from compulsory standards to recommended ones, are divided only from the standard attributes. However, in terms of technical content of the standards, they still have not got rid of the standard model under the planned economy. If the number of standards, some of the standard content too thin, too dead, market applicability, poor operability and other shortcomings.