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有趣的、现实的、具有困惑性的问题情境,容易激活学生已有的数学知识和生活经验,激发学生学习的愿望,让学生的学习有生长点。为此,教师应从学生身边选取一些有用的、有趣的问题,让学生应用数学思想、方法及数学知识、生活经验来思考解决,进而不断提升学生的思维能力。与此同时,在教学中,不仅要科学地安排教学内容,使教学内容呈现螺旋上升,而且也把数学的发展与生活、学生的发展密切联系起来,真正做到数学教学“五性”并重,实现课堂教学最优化。一、让数与计算情境化,增强趣味性《义务教育数学课程标准》指出:“在教学中,要引导学生联系自己身边具体、有趣的事物,通过观察、操作、解决问 Interesting, realistic and confusing problem situations make it easy for students to activate their existing mathematical knowledge and life experiences, to stimulate students’ desire to learn and to make students have a growing point of learning. To this end, teachers should select some useful and interesting questions from the students, so that students can apply their mathematical thinking, methods and mathematical knowledge, life experience to think and solve, and then continue to improve students’ thinking ability. At the same time, in teaching, not only should the teaching content be scientifically arranged, the content of teaching should be spirally elevated, but also the development of mathematics should be closely linked with the development of life and students. Emphasis is placed on optimizing classroom teaching. First, the number and calculation of contextualization, and enhance the fun of ”compulsory education mathematics curriculum standards“ that: ”In teaching, to guide students to contact their own specific, interesting things, through observation, operation, solution
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随着课程改革的不断推进,一线数学教师对新的教学理念渐趋认同与接纳,在教学行为上对一些新的教学方式也进行着尝试和推广。但是由于一些教师对教学理念缺乏深层次的理解,在实际的课堂中存在一个个误区,影响着教学的有效性,而教学的有效性则是教师永恒的追求。下面以我观察到的两位教师执教“长方体的认识”和“正方体的认识”中的几个片断,谈谈自己的思考与体会。    一、操作:并非以次数取胜,而应思考为前提    案