Comparative genome analysis between Southeast Asian and South American Zika viruses

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:li_heping1986
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Objective:To understand the cause for the differences between potentially mild Southeast Asian and the more pathogenic ZIKV in South America.Methods:A comparative genomic analysis was performed to determine putative causations stemming from ZIKV.Results:Phylogcnctic analyses integrating geographical and time factors revealed that Southeast Asian ZIKV might not be the direct source of South American outbreaks as previously speculated.Amino acid residues unique to South American ZIKV isolates at the envelope,pr and NS1 proteins are listed and shown in the structural context.These unique residues on external viral proteins are not found in Southeast Asian ZIKV and could be responsible for the ongoing outbreak either via an intrinsic property of the virus or interactions with human immunity.Only a selected few primer/probe sets currently in clinical use were identified of being capable of detecting ZIKV strains worldwide.The envelope proteins of dengue virus(DENV) and ZIKV also showed a remarkable degree of similarity especially at the surface residues.Conclusions:findings that may help explain the cross-reactivity of DENV antibodies to ZIKV.Thus,major caveats must be exercised in using existing diagnostic tools for ZIKV. Objective: To understand the cause for the differences between potentially mild Southeast Asian and the more pathogenic ZIKV in South America. Methods: A comparative genomic analysis was performed to determine putative causations stemming from ZIKV. Results: Phylogcnctic analyzes integrating geographical and time factors revealed that Southeast Asian ZIKV might not be the direct source of South American outbreaks as previously speculated. Amino acid residues unique to South American ZIKV isolates at the envelope, pr and NS1 proteins are listed and shown in the structural context. The unique residues on external viral proteins are not found in Southeast Asian ZIKV and could be responsible for the ongoing outbreak or via an intrinsic property of the virus or interactions with human immunity. Only selected articles / probe sets currently in clinical use were identified of being capable of detecting ZIKV strain worldwide.The envelope proteins of dengue virus (DENV) and ZIKV also showed a re markable degree of similarity especially at the surface residues. Conclusions: findings that may help explain the cross-reactivity of DENV antibodies to ZIKV.Thus, major caveats be beached in using existing diagnostic tools for ZIKV.
笔者自1987年4月以来采用氯丙嗪作面神经干注射治疗睑面痉挛,现将情况报道如下。一、临床资料:共6例,男4例,女2例;年龄13~51岁,平均41.4岁;病程1~16年,平均4.3年。 The autho
目的 探讨过敏性紫癜 (HSP)患儿肾损害早期诊断的实验室指标及早期干预的临床疗效。方法 对 50例多次尿常规检查正常的 HSP患儿通过检测尿微量蛋白 (Ig G,MA,TRF,α1 - m G
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