Analysis of the GM-CSF and GM-CSF/IL-3/IL-5 receptor common beta chain in a patient with pulmonary a

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Kdx1999
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Objective To investigate the expression of the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and GM-CSF/IL-3/IL-5 receptor common beta chain (βc receptor) in an adult patient with idiopathic pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP), so as to demonstrate the possible association of the GM-CSF and βc receptor with the pathogenesis of human PAP.rnMethods The GM-CSF levels were measured with a commercial ELISA kit (sensitivity 5?pg/ml) and the βc receptor expression on the cell surface was detected by flow cytometry analysis. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis was employed to detect the expression of the GM-CSF mRNA and the βc receptor mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and alveolar macrophages. The entire coding regions of the GM-CSF cDNA and the βc receptor cDNA were sequenced by the Sanger dideoxy-mediated chain termination method to detect possible mutations.rnResults The patient with PAP failed to release the GM-CSF protein either from circulating mononuclear cells or from alveolar macrophages. The expression of the GM-CSF mRNA was normal after the stimulation of lipopolysaccharide, whereas a point mutation at position 382 of the GM-CSF cDNA from “T to “C was revealed by cDNA sequencing, which caused a change in amino acid 117 of the protein from isoleucine to threonine. The βc receptor expression on the cell surface was normal, and the βc receptor mRNA expression and the sequence of the entire coding region of the βc receptor were also normal.rnConclusions The decreased GM-CSF production is associated with the pathogenesis of human PAP. A point mutation of the GM-CSF cDNA may contribute to the decreased GM-CSF production in our adult PAP patient. The mutation of the βc receptor in some of paediatric patients with PAP may not be a common problem in adult patients.
Objective To evaluate the efficacy and the mechanism of application of selective head cooling on neuronal morphological damage during postischemic reperfusion
摘 要:道德与法治课程教学的生活化对课程本身的顺利开展是十分必要的,众所周知,这门课程是我国德育教学的重要依托,而德育本身便是与生活息息相关的,同时教学的生活化对教学的顺利开展也是十分必要。  关键词:《道德与法治》;生活化;教学方法  一、什么是生活化教学  所谓生活化教学就是将课程所学内容与学生的日常生活事件相联系,从身边的实例入手让学生切身体会教学内容的一种教学方式。由于道德与法治课程教学内
摘 要:物理教学中会受到实验设备及器材的限制,很多的演示实验难以进行,使得学生对物理知识的掌握不够透彻,甚至不能掌握。在这种情况下,学生根据现掌握的物理知识和生活经验从生活中选取物品设计实验器材,制作比较简单、方便、实用的物理教具。这不仅激发学生的求知欲、探索欲、提高动手能力,而且,制作过程学生通过思考提高学生多向思维能力,培养学生的创新精神,达到了学以致用的目的,从而较好的实现了我们新课改的教学
摘 要:彻底改变过去以“一言堂”为主要的教学形式,让学生成为教学的主体。积极创设生动的教学情境,培养学生学习的积极性,使学生产生强烈的求知欲望,从而达到好的教学效果,起到真正的教书育人的目的。  关键词:自主学习;创设情境;展现自我  “学生是语文学习的主人。语文教学应激发学生的学习兴趣,注重培养学生自主学习的意识和习惯,为学生创设良好的自主学习情境,尊重学生的个体差异,鼓励学生选择适合自己的学习
摘 要:语音是一种语言的发音,它包括字母、音标、单词、句子、重音、停顿、连续、失去爆破、升降调等各个方面。语音是学好任何一门语言的基础,是必经之路。小学英语语音教学的任务并不是要求小學生学习语音理论知识,而是教会小学生运用英语语音的基础知识培养对英语的语感,为以后学习英语打下坚实的基础。英语语音和小学生学习的语文汉语拼音一样重要,我们面对不会读的字时,只要有拼音我们便能拼读出来。同样,英语语音也是
目的 探讨儿童股骨颈骨折的治疗方法及其疗效.方法 回顾性分析1986年1月至2007年12月收治的23例儿童股骨颈骨折患儿,男13例,女10例;年龄3~16岁,平均12.8岁.前10年的13例均为高能量损伤;近10年中5例为滑倒跌伤,对其中3例测量身体质量指数和骨矿物质密度.无移位骨折4例,采用非手术治疗;手术治疗19例,其中闭合复位15例、切开复位4例.手术距受伤时间小于24 h者15例(平均1
Objective Protein induced by vitamin Kabsence or antagonistⅡ(PIVKAⅡ),also called des-gamma-carboxy prothro mbin(DCP),is a sensitive marker for the diagnosis of hepat