高一外研版必修1 Modele 2 My new teachers Reading教学设计与反思

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  【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)09-0167-01
  1 Target language
  a Important words and phrases
  b Important sentence pattern
  There are few students who keep coming to class late.
  I believe I’ll do well in physics with Mrs chen teaching
  2 Ability goals
  Enable the students to learn expressions used to describe a teacher and his/her character.
  Teach and enable the students to describe the teachers they like and tell the reason.
  Step 1 revision
  Ask some students to recite the words in the module so that they can understand the passage well.
  Step2 lead-in
  Show some pictures of their teachers..
  T: do you know the man/ woman? Show one of the pictures
  S: she is our head teacher.
  T: right! what’s your impression of her? Can you describe her in one or two sentences?
  S1: she is thin and warm-hearted teacher.
  S2: her lessons are well organised.
  S3: she is energetic.
  S4: she smiles a lot. She always encourages us.
  T: well done.let’s go on with other teachers.
  Show some pictures of other teachers and ask some of you to describe a teacher while the other students guess who he/she is.
  T: Brilliant! In your opinion,what’s a good teacher like? Ask the students to tick the statements that you agree with in activity 3 p 11. then students read and tick the statement.
  Step3 Fast reading
  T: ok,I’m going to introduce another teachers. First,turn to page12 and look at their pictures. Let’s answer the following questions before reading .
  1 What’re your impressions of each teacher?
  2 what subject do you think each teacher teach?
  T: now we need to read the text to see whether what you said is true or false. Let’s read the text quickly and find the true answers.
  After the students read the text,ask some to tell their answers.
  Step4 Careful reading
  In this part,the students will read the passage again and work together with their deskmates to learn the way the author describes a teacher. Then show a table on the blackboard. Give them a few minutes to fill in the table aboutthe whole text.
  Step5 Do some reading exercises further
  T: Now let’s deal with some exercises in activity 4.
  After the students finish it. Check their answers in class
  Step6 Retelling
  Give the students several minutes to prepare for retelling. After retalling the passage,they will understand deeply how the author describe a teacher and master the way of describing.
  Step7 Homework
  Ask the students to use some of the words we have learned in this module.To introduce one of their teachers.
该文简单介绍了单处微处理器工作原理与特 同时提供了两种单片微处理器鉴相鉴幅漏电保护开关电路框图,还提出了漏电保护开关应用单处微处理器需注意事项。
【摘要】初中化学作为学生步入化学学习的初级阶段,其通常以一种基础学科的形式呈现在教学当中,着重培养学生理解化学知识及开展各项分析的能力。本文以范例教学为轴心,分别从范例选择、组织范例教学及正确组织范例教学等方面,探讨范例教学在初中化学教学中的有效应用。  【关键词】初中化学;范例教学;运用  【中图分类号】G633.8 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)09-0163-0
【摘要】随着科学技术的不断进步展,数控技术被大量运用于现代制造业中,急需大量的数控技能人才,为了给制造业培养大量的现代技能型人才,近年来!中职学校数控专业蓬勃发展。在培养急需人才方面取得了一定的成效,但也存在诸多问题,文章主要从阐释我国中职数控专业教学实际着手,对中职数控专业教学改革方向进行了探讨。  【关键词】中职学校;数控教学;改革  【中图分类号】TG659-4 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号
【摘要】现代的高等职业院校学生的物理基础具备差异性,如果想让所有学生都“臣服”于“齐步走”的教学模式,就必须要求物理老师在教学时采用分层教学的方法,才能满足每一个学生对学生的不同要求,打好物理的基礎。  【关键词】物理教学;高职生;分层教学法  【中图分类号】G712.4;O4-4 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)09-0164-01  在近些年,随着国家对教育投入的增
【摘要】关注教学细节,构建高效课堂。  【关键词】关注;细节;高效  【中图分类号】G623.5 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)09-0166-02  汪中求说过:“细节决定成败。”在我们的学习和工作中,很多时候细节常常成为全局成败的关键。我们都知道,一节完整的数学课堂是由一些教学细节构成的。教师在对待课堂细节时,需要注入智慧,构建高效课堂。这无疑是让教师的专业成长又
【摘要】目前虚拟现实技术作为一个在全球都备受重视的技术在越来越多的领域中得到广泛的应用。其中医学科研、教学和实践活动更是成为使用该技术的重要领域。由于该技术具有可视化程度高,使学习者或使用者有沉浸感的特点,给药学实践教学改革带来了机遇。本文结合虚拟现实技术的特点探讨了开展药学类虚拟实践教学的可能性和所需应对的挑戰,并针对挑战提出了相应的对策。  【关键词】虚拟现实(VR);药学;应用;实验  【中
【摘要】学生在学习过程中难免会出现错误,尤其是小学生,其心智和思维能力尚未发育完全,而纠正学生的错误也是教师的职责所在。在小学数学教学中,学生出现错误的频率更高,这是由于数学的学科特点和小学生的能力相违背,学生在缺乏正确的指导下只会一错再错。作为小学数学教师,我们必须将这些错误视作珍宝,因为这才是提升学生能力的最佳机会,优秀的教师能够利用学生的错误,发现其中的价值,以此来提升教学质量。  【关键词