大学时期 ,正是青年生理和心理逐渐成熟时期 ,繁重的学业又无形中给大学生带来了许多心理压力 ,使部分大学生在学习上产生了一些心理偏差。这些心理障碍的产生、存在和发展 ,不仅会影响到他们的学习 ,同时也会对他们的身心发展产生不良影响。因此 ,如何及时地认识到这些问题并
In college, it is the period of gradual maturation of the young people’s physiology and psychology. The heavy study actually brings a lot of psychological pressure to the undergraduates, causing some of the undergraduates to have some psychological deviations in their studies. The emergence, development and development of these psychological barriers not only affect their learning, but also have an adverse impact on their physical and mental development. Therefore, how to recognize these problems promptly?