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  【Abstract】Trademarks and trademark, as a part of language, are unavoidably influenced and restricted by the cultures of various countries and nationalities. Through trademark, we can get abundant implications of social history and culture. Language is the most important tool of information transmission. It can not only convey sentence and semantic information, but also carry additional contents of society and culture. In order to meet the increasingly competitive demands of market, in addition to express detailed information of commodity, the differences of aesthetic psychology between diverse cultural customers shall be taken into consideration when naming modern brand names.
  【Key Words】trademark; brand; aesthetic theory; translation
  1. Descriptions of Trademark
  Trademark translation is a special cross-cultural activity. It requires higher standards than other ordinary translation. In the process of translation,we should not only consider being equivalent and faithful to the original text, but also need to innovate bravely, and think comprehensively from the aspects of cultural habits, trademark features and group psychology to translate a brand name which could express inner meaning and take customers’ psychological sense into consideration.
  2. Descriptions of Trademark Translation
  “Trademark translation is a cross-cultural communication activity. Every trademark implies its cultural connotation. While translating it, we shall pay attention to the cultural differences and have the version comply with consumers’ cultural psychology, language rules and the regional culture.”
  The method can be embodied in the following examples: theme park Disney, dust collector Hoover, cosmetics pond’s, chemical company Du Pont, automobile Benz and Ford, clothes Pierre Cardin, food Nestlé’s.
  The method can be embodied in the following examples: mobile phone Nokia is a small town in north Finland. Wrist watch Longines is a small village close to Switzerland. Champagne is named after place of origin in France. Avon is named according to Stratford-on-Avon —— a river where Shakespeare born. Record company Columbia is a place located in Washington, District of Columbia.
  3. Aesthetic Principles of Trademark Translation
  Aesthetic pronunciation refers to pronunciation loud in sound, clear in rhythm, musical in hearing and arising appreciation in mind. Once enjoyment occurs inside people’s mind, expectation follows. This kind of psycho is popular in trademark translation to great extent. Rhyme, tone, characteristics-oriented, syllable number, etc., are important factors.   4. Principles of Trademark Translation
  Looking at the form of language, the construction of trademark is quite simple and easy to understand, but it has the function of product positioning and promotion, the characteristics of readable and melodious in language, pretty and appealing in packing design.
  Trademark translation requires not only professional knowledge of translation, but also the ability to appreciate beauty, to feel the charm of trade in packing design. For the writing style of foreign character reflects not only the concept and enterprise and the function of product, but also aesthetic features in different nationalities.
  5. Rhetoric Methods Used in English Trademarks
  For example, pure water Robust, whose Chinese version is Le Bai Shi, means be happy all the life long. Another example, insurance company Longevity, whose Chinese version is Chang Shou, means that you will live an old age if you buy their insurance.
  Exaggeration is used to emphasize on fact and also overstate the fact, then give a deep impression to customers. Therefore, abundant imagination can be stimulated. There are some examples, Safeguard, Life-saver, Magic Market.
  6. conclusion
  Trademark, as the intangible assets of enterprises, is a commodity-sign made up of character and implication, many aesthetic features have been implied in tone, form and meaning. The differences of aesthetic consciousness between the east and the west shall be taken into consideration when translating trademarks so as to achieve same aesthetic effect with the original trademark, therefore, a favorable image of the brand will be built in international market.
由于特殊的地理位置和历史背景,海南黎族丰富多彩的岁时节日体现出海南文化和民族文化的特质。黎族民族的传统节日相对来看特点比较突出、个性也较为鲜明。那么,黎族人民的传统节日应该怎么翻译呢?可以从以下几个传统黎族节日入手:  一、小年(Year-off)  正月十五是黎族小年,黎语称“因包”或“祝将”,相当于汉族的元宵节。The fifteenth day of the lunar New Year i
【摘要】内地藏族大学生在英语语法学习中受藏、汉两种语言的正、负迁移作用,经常出现典型的语法错误,涉及三种语言文化的相互转换。本文依据语言迁移理论和对比分析方法,针对内地藏族大学生英语语法教学提出了切实可行的有效策略。  【关键词】语言迁移 对比分析 语法教学 语言输入  一、内地藏族大学生英语语法学习现状分析  我国内地藏族大学生面临一种特殊的教育现象——三语教育,即涉及藏-汉-英三种语言文字及文
【摘要】如何提升高中生的阅读能力一直是广大教育工作者关注的问题,提高阅读理解题目的答题正确率是学生在正式考试中得到高分的关键。在高中英语课堂中,教师对学生阅读能力的培养主要依据教材中的阅读材料,可利用的资源包括单词数量和短语组合有限,学生不能达到输入大量信息的目的。另外将学生禁锢在教材内容当中,学生只能被动地接收信息,不利于其学习积极性的增强及创新思维的发展。  【关键词】英语阅读 现状 策略  
【摘要】随着中国经济的不断发展和国际交流的日益增加,公示语,作为跨文化交际的一种应用文体,发挥着不可取代的作用同时也体现着中西化差异对翻译结果的影响。本文基于对天津部分公示语的调查,揭露了一些公式语的翻译错误,总结了几点翻译策略,以期促进公示语能更好的为社会服务。  【关键词】公示语 文化差异 翻译  一、引言  随着1978年改革开放,2001年中国加入世贸组织、各种同盟国组织和论坛的建立,中国
【摘要】随着我国社会的发展和教育改革的深入,国内教学水平也在不断提高,同时初中英语的教学质量和水平也不断引起重视和关注。现阶段我国初中英语的总体水平虽然处在不断发展的过程中,但是受传统教育模式的影响,我国的英语水平还需要进一步的发展,因此接下来本文就针对初中英语写作教学训练与技巧进行详细的研究和分析,帮助初中英语教学水平取得更大的进展。  【关键词】初中英语 写作教学 训练与技巧  在我国的传统英
【摘要】不同的生活环境和文化背景,使得交流和沟通的语言存在差异。翻译伦理自其诞生之日起就受到了学术界的广泛关注,但在受到文化批判理论的影响下逐渐淡出人们的视野。随着社会新思潮的涌动和翻译理论研究的逐渐深入,伦理问题重新回归到学术界。本文就翻译伦理的回归和重构进行分析,阐述当前翻译伦理基础及翻译伦理的发展历史,促使翻译伦理研究持续深化。  【关键词】翻译伦理 回归 重构  人类在社会交往行为中需要遵