The freight trains carried an average load of 17.5 tons (accounting for 36% of the overall average global dead weight) along the (transit) train operated by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau; 20 train trains, accounting for about 40% of the conventional traction numbers; and the average speed Only 12.5km / h (fast along zero), low operational efficiency. Stop a train along the zero, usually in the automatic block section of the double-line can be added to open 3.5 pairs of cargo trains in the single-lane semi-automatic block section can be added to open 1.5 to 2 cargo trains, great potential. And the Shanghai-Nanjing line along the river and other roads, the Yangtze River parallel to the four lines, the road network throughout urban and rural areas, the development of inter-transport; local transport is not only more than capacity, and the task to eat or not