魏俊强1980年毕业于北京市交通学校,同年分配至北京市汽车修理公司六厂。1992年任北京市汽车修理公司六厂技术厂长,2001年任总公司副总工程师。魏俊强同志虽然身有残疾,但他刻苦钻研、勤奋工作,1998年被评为北京市十大能工巧匠,1999年5月1日获得全国五一劳动奖章,同年被评为首都楷模,2000年被评为全国劳动模范。本文是魏俊强的一篇自述文章,他自强不息和永攀技术高峰的精神对广大汽车维修工人和技术人员,无疑是一种激励和鞭策。 ——编者
Wei Junqiang graduated from Beijing Traffic School in 1980 and was assigned to No. 6 Factory of Beijing Automobile Repair Company in the same year. In 1992, he worked as a technical director of Liuchang Automobile Repairing Company in Beijing and deputy chief engineer of the headquarter in 2001. Although he was mentally handicapped, Comrade Wei Junqiang studied hard and worked diligently. He was appraised as the top ten craftsmen in Beijing in May 1998 and won the National Labor Medal on May 1, 1999, and was honored as the model of the capital in the same year. In 2000, he was appraised as " For the national model workers. This article is Wei Junqiang’s a read article, his self-improvement and never-ending technical peak of the spirit of the majority of vehicle maintenance workers and technical staff, no doubt is an incentive and encouragement. --editor